Second year

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Haru didn't like the elf at all really as he tries to keep him from school and keeps him from getting his mail from Gringotts which is a very serious issue to them. Haru had to explain this making the elf to be shocked as he thought they were from friends.

"In Hogwarts, the sorting hat marked me as a 'Wanderer'. Now I need my mail. Whoever your master is, is going to be in big trouble cause of this and you do realized I can get you killed for this may you be a brownie spirit or not." The elf shivers.

Lucius Malfoy wasn't pleased as Dobby, his house elf was trying to keep Haru away from school as he explains he prefers that name more than Harry all because of him. He wasn't happy, but figures he keep the child out of it.

Lucius pays for it and apologized to them for this and will punish his elf, but Haru asked about it and didn't like abuse, so Lucius told Dobby that he is to clean after the animals for four years max and to not go to Hogwarts really.

Nor was he allowed inside the manor if he is filthy making Dobby to accept his punishment as he can't go against that order as his master did say "I'm ordering as a punishment" making him to not be able to save 'Harry' Potter.

"Does it bother anyone else the amount of crap he gets away with solely because of the positions he holds? He's essentially a king in everything but title with the way he uses that power of his." Haru complained. Every pure blood in there paused.

"Explain your reasoning." Madam Bones said without a hint of any hesitation.

"He rules over a castle that is filled with nobles, mere children too young to take the title. If he so chose, he could hold them hostage and as ruler of the place, the parents would be entirely helpless to stop him.

He is one of the main judiciary members of the magical courts, to the point that cases are won or lost with his favor or displeasure. And he is one of the longest running diplomats in the entire International Confederation of Wizards.

Meaning he can make or break England's image with the world at large with his actions." Haru explained with a frown. Narcissa gasped.

"Dear Magic, he has a point. He is a king in everything but title." Narcissa said in horror.

"And let's not get into the fact that Dumbledore currently holds the Minister in the palm of his hand, for all the 'donations' Lucius gives the man. Fudge is more likely to listen to Dumbledore than his 'patron'." Haru said.

Narcissa looked openly horrified and for good reason. The other pure bloods took it as a matter of course, save for the fact that they would be a bit more wary around Dumbledore. Haru has an ally to help take down Dumbledore.

The goblins will also help out as well and see if he has stolen anything from Haru making him to agree to it. Lucius left with Draco to get his school supplies as he places the book into a female first year student's cauldron really.

Haru has his accounts set up and made sure no one can take money from him without his approval as he has his stuff, but he saw the new DADA teacher and he frowns. He got the proper books and kept out of site if that 'thing' making Haru to duck down.

He then walks out like that before he is in the clear and stand up as he walks away. Haru despises him and he feels like he should kill him or something really. Haru was alone when a girl sits with him and he was confused to how to talk to her.

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