Whitey Winn - I love you

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I was visiting my mother as I lived with my boyfriend Whitey. It's been a while since I've seen her. She lives in the town over.
It was getting dark, and my friend dropped me off, so I was too nervous to go home alone.
"Ma, I'm gonna use the phone to ring up Whitey, it's gettin' late and I can't walk all alone."
She just simply nods.
I pick up the phone and dial his number and he picks up.
"Hello." He says.
"Whitey, it's gettin' late, I'm scared to walk back alone." I explain.
"You still at your Ma's house? (Y/N)?"
"Yeah Whitey, sure am."
"I'll be there soon darlin'."
I hang up the phone and impatiently wait. The truth is that Whitey's never met my momma, even though we've been together for a year now. This'll be his first time.
"Ma, Whitey's gonna pick me up. You'll get ta meet him." I say excitedly.
"Well, I'm mighty excited to meet this man my lovely daughter talks so much about." She says, setting her hand on my shoulder and guiding me back to the couch in the living area.
"Ma, you sure are gonna love him. He's the deputy. He sure can keep me safe."
"From all this talk about him, he better be the best man I ever meet."
"Oh he sure will be Ma. Whitey's the best man you'll ever meet."
"I'm mighty glad he makes you happy. But, he better be decent."
"He sure is Ma! Best man in town."
Just then I see a light shining outside of the window. I get up and open the door.
"Where are you goin'?" Mama asks.
"I think he's here Ma."
"Yeah, it sure is him!"
I open the door and wave letting him know he's at the right house. He's with his horse, and quickly hops off to tie him to the bar on the porch.
"Whitey!" I exclaim from the doorway.
He smiles his million dollar smile at me.
"I missed you today darlin'"
"Oh Whitey, I missed you too."
Just then he comes through the doorway closing the door behind him before pulling me into a tight hug and resting his chin on my head.
"I love you Whitey."
"I love you too Darlin'"
"I think it's just the cutest when you say you love me Whitey."
"I love you."
"Oh, right. Ma, this is Whitey."
She smiles at him.
"He looks like a keeper. You two, just the cutest."
We both giggle and he wraps and arm around my waist.
"Now son, don't go breakin' my little girls heart." Ma says.
"If anything, she'd break my heart. I could never hurt her." He says. "Pleasure to meet ya Mrs. (L/N)."
"Pleasure to meet ya too Whitey. She tells me all about ya." Ma says.
"Does she now?" He asks, and I blush.
"All the time. It's late. I'll let you two go." Ma says.
"Goodnight Mrs. (L/N)!" Whitey says.
"Goodnight Whitey." Ma yells
We walk outside and he helps me on his horse. He hops on after me and I wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on his back.
"Long day darlin'?" He asks.
"Na, I'm just tired Whitey." I say.
I can sense his smile as he takes off and we head home.

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