Thomas - Parenting Class (2)

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(Thursday 3:45 A.M.)
I was waiting for Tommy to come back to bed. He had went to go get Nora as it was his turn tonight.
He's been better with her. He's been getting her to stop crying quicker now and I can tell that has improved his mood. He hasn't cried again.
I can definitely tell he's getting tired.
Nora has stopped crying about 20 minutes ago, but Tommy still hasn't come back.
"Tommy?" I croak walking into the other room.
He's sitting by the crib watching her.
"Yes love?" He asks.
"Come back to bed please. I miss your cuddles." I whisper.
He stands up and walks over to me.
"Aww. I'm sorry love."
I put my hands on his shoulders and his go to my waist.
He kisses me passionately for a few minutes before we both pull away.
"That was..." I trail off.
"Wow." Thomas says, looking into my eyes.
"That was nice." I say.
He nods and pulls me into a hug.
"I know we haven't been together long but, I honestly don't think I'd mind marrying you." He whispers.
"Tommy, we've been together for 24 hours." I laugh.
"I know. But just, it feels like I've been with you forever. It feels like we're taking care of a real baby." He says.
"I know Tommy." I say.
"Back to bed yeah? We're gonna be exhausted. We have four days left baby." I say.
"I know love." He whispers.
"Ah!" I squeal as he picks me up bridal style and tosses me into the bed. We both lay next to each other laughing.
"Tommy, I love you so much." I say.
He props himself up on his elbows, laying on top of me.
"Oh yeah?" He asks.
He kisses me and I flip us over so I'm on top.
"Cuddles?" I ask
"Oh for sure." He whispers in my ear.
I lay on his chest, in-between his legs.
"You're so gorgeous." He whispers.
"I love you Tommy." I say.
"I love you too." He says.
I feel him playing with my hair and I doze off into a sleep.

"Hmm" I groan as I wake up.
"Sleep good?" Tommy asks.
"Tommy! Were you watching me sleep?" I ask.
He blushes.
"I'm sorry you looked so cute and peaceful." He says.
"Aww Tommy! I love you." I say.
"I love you-" Tommy was cut off by Nora crying.
"No Tommy." I say.
He goes to get up but I push his chest down.
"But-" he starts.
"Tommy, there's bags under your eyes baby. I'll take care of her." I kiss him on the cheek.
I walk into the room and change her diaper. Thomas fed her a little bit ago.
Nora stops crying so I walk back into Thomas's room and he's fast asleep. So I walk over to where his hoodie from yesterday was and slipped it on before going back in bed with him.

"Tommy, look here." I say.
He was holding Nora so I decided to snap a quick photo of the three of us.
I put the caption
Chilling with my baby and my baby daddy Thomas.
And posted it on Instagram.
Almost as soon as I post it I get a call.
It's Leah.
"Tommy, can you watch Nora? I have to take this. It's Leah." I say.
"Yeah, no problem love." He says.
"Leah! How's it going?" I ask.
"The Instagram post. With your baby daddy?" She asks. "I know there's something between you two."
"What? There's nothing." I say.
"I can see the way he smiles. In the one pic where he's looking at you." She says.
"Okay okay. You caught me." I say.
"Yeah. That's not all. You're at his house." She says.
"Why is that an issue?" I ask.
"It's not. You've been there all week, I wanna know the details." She says.
"Stalker." I joke.
"Snap map." She whispers.
"Yeah I have been staying the night. You can't tell anyone!" I whisper yell.
"Secret's safe with me." She says.
"Well, he's my boyfriend now." I say.
"YES!" She yells.
"Listen I gotta go. Tommy needs me with Nora." I say.
"Love, can you lend a hand?" Thomas yells.
"Love? Tommy? I don't know what to say. I'm happy for you." She says.
"Bye girl! I love you."
"I love you too (Y/N)." She says and I hang up.
"Thomas what's up?" I ask.
"I'm gonna make breakfast. Mind holding onto Nora?" Thomas asks.
"Oh of course I can!" I say happily.
"Thank you so much love." He says.
He hands me Nora and gives me a kiss on the cheek before hurrying off to the kitchen.
Nora starts to cry so I grab her bottle and put it to her lips. She instantly stops crying.
"Aww." I say.
She finishes the bottle and I toss it to the side.
"Love, breakfast is ready." Thomas calls from the kitchen.
I set Nora down in her little basket and walk to the dining room to where Thomas is setting out plates.
"Did I ever tell you how amazing you are at being a mother?" He asks.
I blush.
"Did I ever tell you how amazing you are at being my boyfriend?" I ask.
He blushes.
"I made eggs and pancakes." He says.
"Tommy they look delightful." I say.
I pull a chair out across from him and start eating.
"Tommy, these are amazing!" I exclaim.
"Thanks." He says.
"Tommy these are so good."
"I love you."
"I love you too Tommy."
"How are you feeling?" He asks.
"Coffee?" He asks.
"Yes please." I say.
"Here you are love." He says handing me a mug of coffee.
"Thank you so much Tommy I needed this." I say.
We haven't had a full night sleep since before this started.
She wakes up around 3 to 7 times every night.
I've been savoring it though. I know after this I'll go home and I won't have Tommy here every night.
"Love what are you thinking about?" He asks.
"The fact that I'll have to go home when the whole thing is over." I say frowning.
"Love, don't think like that. Let's just enjoy the time we have now, yeah?" He asks.
"I know but it's hard with a baby, well baby." I say, with air quotes.
"I know. It's not easy. But I'm sure you can stay over sometimes." He says.
"I hope so." I whisper.
"We still have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday." He says. "My family will be back Sunday though." He says.
"Will they care that I'm here?" I ask.
"No, if anything, I'm sure we could get Ava to watch Nora a few hours so we can go out." He states.
"Are you asking me on a date Thomas?"I ask.
"Yes. I am. You choose the place." He says.
"Well, I'd gladly accept." I say.
"Really?" He asks excited.
"Tommy, I've been telling you I love you. What makes you think I'd say no for?" I ask.
"I don't know. I guess I'm just nervous. I really love you." He says.
"I love you too Tommy." I say.
Of course here comes Nora to ruin the moment.
Before I can protest Thomas is already in the other room.
"Shhh, Daddy's here Nora." I hear.
I walk out to the living room to see him nursing her. He's just amazing with her.
I pull out my phone and snap a photo before going and sitting next to him on the couch.
"Tommy you two look so cute." I say.
"Never as cute as you." He says.
"Aww Tommy. You're the best."
(Friday 2:21 A.M.)
I swear I think Nora's robot controls are broken.
We've tried everything and she's been crying for an hour.
I can tell how stressed Thomas is.
"Tommy it's not your fault." I say.
"Then why can't I get her to stop crying?" He asks.
He breaks for the third time this week.
I set Nora in the crib.
"Thomas Brodie-Sangster, look at me right now." I say standing in front of him.
I started crying too.
"Thomas, it's okay. I know it's hard right now. But, were just have to get though this."
"Thanks." He kisses me and I get a call from Leah.
"(Y/N)! This baby won't stop crying! He's been crying for almost two hours!" Leah yells at the phone.
"Same with us. I bet the babies have the same crying schedule." I say.
"Thomas, we should let her cry it out." I say.
"Okay." He says. "I'll meet you in the bed." He says.
"Okay. Be there in a sec." I tell him.
"Leah, our baby won't stop crying either." I say into the phone.
I hear a groan of frustration come from his room.
"Look, I gotta go." I say.
"Alright." She says. "Bye."
"Bye bye." I hang up.
"Thomas is everything alright?" I ask.
He's laying face down on the bed.
"I'm just stressed." He complains.
"I know. It's all gonna work out." I tell him.
"Thanks." He says.
I kiss him on the cheek.
We end up snuggling and I eventually fall asleep.
(Sunday 1:17 P.M.)
"Thomas we're home! You're not Thomas." A lady says to me.
I was on the couch waiting for Thomas to come back from his trip to the bathroom.
"Hello. I'm (Y/N)." I say. "I'd shake your hand but I'm a bit busy with a baby." I say giggling.
"Oh it's no trouble." She says. "I'm Thomas's mother." She says.
"I'm his classmate. We were assigned to work on the baby project together." I explain.
"Aww how nice." She says.
"I'm back love." He says.
He turns and realizes his mom is there.
"Hello Mom." He says.
"Thomas." She says nodding towards him.
"Mom, is Ava busy tonight?" He asks.
"I don't believe so, why do you ask?"
"Because I have a date tonight." He states.
"Can't (Y/N) watch your baby?" She asks.
"Well, she also has a date tonight."
"Are you two going on a double date?" She asks.
"No. I'm going on a date with her." He explains.
"Oh." She says. "Well, she seems very lovely Thomas."
"Yeah. She's been staying here to help with the baby." He says.
"How sweet of you!" She says.
"Oh it's nothing." I say.
"I'll leave you two be." She says.
"Thomas! How was your week alone?" A girl asks walking in.
"I wasn't alone. Ava, meet my lovely girlfriend (Y/N)."
"Hello! You're so pretty!" Ava says.
"You're gorgeous to!" I say.
"Ava can you babysit tonight? I wanna go on a proper date." He says.
"Of course! There's a karaoke night down at the restaurant by the grocery store." She says
"That sounds lovely." He says.
(3 years later)
"Thomas, where are we going?" In all..
"Just wait." He says.
I realize he took me to his parents house. The place we first were a couple.
"Thomas what are we doing here?" I ask.
"This is the place where you helped me out. Where you first decided to be my girlfriend senior year. Where we told each other our first I love you."
He starts to get down on one knee.
"Marry me?" He asks.
He's holding a ring.
"Yes!" I yell.
"I love you. And I'll never stop." He says.
"I love you too Thomas." I say.
(2 years later)
"Thomas aren't you excited to adopt?" I ask.
We both had found out I was unable to have kids 4 and a half months ago.
"Of course love."
"I can't wait Tommy!"
(17 years later)
Who would have known Thomas would be walking Alex down the isle at 23? Our beautiful adopted daughter was getting married to her high school sweetheart.
It reminded me of Thomas and I.

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