Thomas - Parenting Class

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A/N - I don't typically do these but I needed to give LORIENGLADER6 credit for the inspiration. Go check their Thomas Brodie-Sangster book out! It's really good!

I sat down in my normal seat in parenting class, extremely excited. Today we would be getting assigned partners for the week to take care of a "baby" together.
Sadly, the teacher would be picking our partners and it had to be a boy with a girl. That meant I couldn't work with my best friend Leah.
"Alright class, so as many of you may know, today we will be assigning partners for what I like to call, The Baby Project." She explains. "You will each be able to name your baby, and dress your baby however you'd like. I have brought in some baby clothes that I buy for this every year."
"Leah, I'm so excited!" I say.
"What if you get paired with Thomas?" She asks smirking.
I wack her arm and blush.
"Stop. I doubt I will get paired with him. It wouldn't matter. He's the popular theater kid, so he probably doesn't care about the project anyways." I say.
"I don't know." She says.
"Alright class. Here's your partners." Mrs. Kate begins.
"Kaya and Dylan, Will and Zoey, Sonya and Simon" I sigh waiting for my name to be called. "Leah and Miles, (Y/N) and Thomas."
I tune all the others out at this point.
I was with Thomas.
The Thomas Brodie-Sangster.
The guy I liked.
"Alright, get seated next to your partners and discuss how this week over break will go!" She says excitedly.
Yeah. We would be caring for them over a break. This Friday, the weekend, and next weekend. That's 10 days.
I walk over to Thomas's desk, Miles getting up from his seat next to Thomas to go sit next to Leah.
"Hi, I'm Thomas." He says, offering me his hand.
"I'm (Y/N)." I say.
I shake his hand. It's very soft.
"So, we've gotta talk about names. This is very important." He says.
I giggle.
"So, are we allowed to pick the gender?" I ask him.
"I think so. I want a girl, what do you want?" He asks.
"The Thomas Sangester wants a girl?" I ask.
He just smiles at me and shakes his head.
"Is that so hard to believe?" He asks.
"I don't know. I guess I just didn't expect it. It's kinda adorable." I say.
I blush realizing exactly what I just said. Thankfully, Thomas doesn't question me.
"But are you okay with a girl?" He asks.
"Of course!" I say.
"So names." He says.
"Karen?" I ask, grinning at my own joke.
He facepalms but laughs too.
"We are not making our baby a Karen. She's gonna need the manager if we do." He says.
We both laugh.
"How about Thomas?" He asks.
"Thomas, you can't name a girl Thomas. Plus your name's Thomas." I say.
"Okay, okay. Let's be serious." He says.
"How about Leanna?" I ask.
"Hmm. I don't know." He says. "I have one!"
His face lights up.
"How do you like the name Nora?" He asks.
"I think it's a lovely name." I say.
"So is her name gonna be Nora?" He asks.
"Yeah. I like it." I say.
"So Nora it is." He smiles at me.
I smile back.
"So, as you're my wife now, I'm going to treat you and the baby as if this were real. As in, we were married and she was our real child." He explains. "Which brings me to my next point. Would you mind staying over this week?" He asks.
"That's fine. My parents aren't home this week. I'll be able to." I say smiling.
"Mine are out of town this week too." He says. "Ready to go pick up our baby, and our supplies?" He asks.
"Let's go." I say.
I get up to walk to the front of the classroom when Thomas slides his arm around my waist, so I give him a questioning look.
"Was I not clear enough in my speech earlier love?" He asks.
Oh yeah. I'm his "wife" now.
"Sorry, I forgot." I say.
"It's alright love." He says.
We go up and grab everything we need, including an outfit for her, and go to Mrs. Kate to pick up Nora.
"Aww, you two look cute together." She says.
"Oh we're not-" I go to say, but Thomas stops me.
"Thank you." He says.
"So would you two like a girl or a boy?" She asks.
"A girl." Thomas says.
"Here you two go!" She says smiling.
She hands us Nora, who's snuggled in a pink blanket inside of her car seat carrier.
"She looks lovely." I say.
The bell rings.
"So, should we stop at your house so you can get everything you need for the week?" Thomas asks.
"Yeah, that would be nice." I say.
"Meet me in the front of the school by the parking lot." He says. I smile.
"Who's taking Nora?" I ask.
"I'll take her." He says.
"Thanks love." I say.
I decided it was now or never. I handed Nora to Thomas, his arm coming off my waist to hold her. I peck him on the cheek.
"See you in a minute." I say.
I skip off to my locker with the biggest smile. I made him blush.
I put my locker combination into my locker and grab my backpack. I then make my way out to the lot to meet Thomas.
As I walk down the hallway, I couldn't go fast enough. I was so excited to see him again.
"Tommy!" I yell when I see him. I hug him from the side, as he's holding Nora, and smiles at me.
"Ready to go love?" He asks.
I nod.
"Alright. It's this car right here." He says.
He motions to a Jeep that's red. It's a nice car.
"Ah ah ah." He says when I go to buckle Nora in.
"I've got her, you go get in the car." He kisses my cheek and does Nora up in the back.
I watch as he walks to his door and pops in the car.
"All done up?" I ask.
"Nice and secure." He says, sending me a warm smile.
I set my hand on his knee.
"Tommy, don't you need directions?" I ask.
"Yeah, type the address in here." He says pointing to the gps on his dash.
I type in my address and he drives to my house.
"Do you want me to stay in the car with Nora or should we come in?" He asks.
"You can come in, but bring her." I say.
"Of course. I didn't mean I'd leave her." He says. "This it?" He asks, pointing to my house.
"Yeah." I say.
"It's nice." He says.
"Thanks Tommy." I say.
I take my hand off his knee as we park so I can open the door.
I grab my key out of my bag as he gets Nora and cradles her.
"Tommy, can you help me pack? You're on pajama duty." I say.
"What about our lovely daughter?" He asks.
"She can be set gently on my bed." I say. "On her back, like you would a real baby." I say.
He just nods.
We get into my house and I lead him to my room and pull out a suitcase.
He looks around.
"Wow." He says. "It's really nice."
I blush.
"Thanks Tommy." I say. "Okay. Pajamas are in the top 2 drawers." I say. He nods and I run into the bathroom to gather my toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, and deodorant. I also decide to grab my soap and a few hair ties.
"Love, I'm done packing pajamas." He says.
"Thanks Tommy. You're the best." I say.
I shuffle through my closet and pull out some cuter outfits. Mostly just t shirts with some cozy shorts and a hoodie or two.
"Almost ready love?" He asks.
"Yeah, one sec."
I finish packing by adding my undergarments and socks to the bag.
"I'm ready Tommy." I say.
"I'll grab your suitcase. You grab Nora." He says. "Did I mention it's extremely cute when you call me Tommy?" He asks.
"Nope." I say.
I grab Nora and he grabs my suitcase and we exit the house. Him putting my case in the back while I do Nora's car seat up.
We both hop in the front and I set my hand back on his knee.
"Can we go to McDonald's?" I ask.
"Hmm?" He asks.
"I want chicken nuggets. I'm hungry Tommy. I'll pay." I say.
"We can go. But I'm paying." He says. "I've gotta treat my beautiful wife sometimes don't I?" He asks.
"Tommy you don't have to." I say.
"What if I want to?" He asks.
"I give in." I say.
He pulls up to McDonald's.
"How many?" He asks.
"10. With ranch please?" I ask.
"Hello, how can I help you?" The lady asks.
"Hi, can I get a 20 piece chicken nugget, two ranch, two ketchup, a medium fry, and two mcflurries?" He asks.
"Is that all?" She asks.
"Uh, one second." He says.
"Love, what do you want to drink?" He asks.
"A water please." I smile.
"A water and a Coke please." He adds.
"Is that all?" She asks.
"You're total is 15.76 pull up to the first window." She says.
He pulls up to the window.
"Love, is this alright for dinner?" He asks.
"Tommy, if a man took me to McDonald's and bought me chicken nuggets, I'd marry him." I say.
He just laughs.
The window opens and a really pretty girl appears, but Thomas seems to take no interest.
"15.76" she says. "By the way you two make an adorable couple." She adds.
"Thank you. Keep the change." He says giving her 16 dollars.
We pull up and get our food when Nora starts crying.
"Aww." I say. "Tommy, how far away is your house?" I ask.
"It's just up here love." He says.
"Alright. I've gotta take care of Nora. Can you take everything in?" I ask.
"I can handle it, yeah." He says.
"Thank you so much Thomas." I say.
"So when you said you'd marry a guy who brought you chicken nuggets." He says. "Are you gonna marry me?" He asks.
"I don't know." I say.
He just smiles at me.
Finally, we pull into his driveway with Nora in the back. I quickly hop out and grab her.
I start to bounce her up and down.
"Shh, it's okay. Mommy's got you." I coo.
I follow Thomas into the house still bouncing Nora.
"Umm, let me grab your suitcase. Here's all her stuff, if you want take it to the couch." He says.
"Thanks Tommy." I say.
I add a kiss on his cheek as he goes to get my stuff.
I set her on the couch and grab her bottle. I put it to her lips and her crying dies down.
"I'm taking your bag to my room." Thomas says, walking in.
"That's fine." I say.
When he comes back out he looks at me.
"I can take her. Go eat." He says.
"Tommy you're the best." I say.
"Yeah yeah." He rolls his eyes. He kisses my forehead and I go to the McDonald's food in the kitchen.
I grab my food, and set his aside. Shortly after, I feel arms go around my waist.
"She's sleeping on the couch love." He says.
"Tommy, you're the actual best. Come eat with me." I say.
He grabs his food and sits next to me after putting the mcflurries in the freezer.
"How was school?" He asks.
"It was fine." I say
"Thomas Brodie-Sangster! Get in here right now!" I yell.
I hear him running into the room. We were putting pajamas on and we were about to watch a movie. We had Nora down for the night. Well, mostly.
I knew she'd wake up in the night. Babies do that.
"Yes love?" He asks.
"Can you please explain to me why, for pajamas, you packed my revealing lacey ones. The ones with the tiny shorts?" I ask.
He literally only packed revealing pajamas.
"Uhh." He rubs the back of his neck.
"I'm waiting Thomas." I say.
"I thought you'd look cute in them." He states.
I can tell he's blushing as his face is bright red.
"If you need, you can wear my pajamas." He suggests.
"No, it's fine." I sigh.
"Okay. I'll leave to let you change." He says.
I hear him walk back out to the living room.
We had set up his old baby monitors and set Nora in his room so we could listen for her during the movie.
I quickly change before realizing exactly how revealing these are.
It doesn't matter.
I walk back out and his jaw drops.
"You look incredible." He says.
"Yeah yeah." I say.
I kiss his cheek.
This whole project made me crush even harder on him. But I know we weren't actually together.
I sit on the couch, and he sits in the recliner.
"Well come here." He says, extending his arms out for me to sit with him.
I get up and walk to the chair, and he grabs my waist and pulls me down next to him before reclining the chair.
"How about we get nice and snuggled, yeah?" He asks.
I just nod.
He grabs the blanket next to the couch and puts it over us. He then pulls me closer so my head is on his chest, his arms are around me, and his chin is on my head.
He starts the movie but I fall asleep.

I groan as I'm woken by a cry. I feel arms around me and I'm not on the couch anymore.
Thomas must've moved me to the bed while I was asleep.
"Tommy, I'll get her." I say.
"No. You're staying right here."
He leaves to the room connected to his, and after about 20 minutes the crying is still going on.
I decide to get up and check on everything. I could hear it very loudly because we were keeping the door open.
"Come on, why do you hate daddy so much. I'm trying my best Nora! What am I doing wrong." Thomas asks Nora.
"Tommy?" I call out.
He turns to look at me and I notice he has tears streaming down his face.
"Oh Tommy." I whisper. "It's okay Tommy. What have you tried?" I ask.
"I've fed her, I've rocked her, I've burped her. I don't know what to do." He sobs.
"Aw. Tommy. Did you change her diaper?" I ask.
"No... I'm such and awful father." He says.
The room we were in was a small nursery type room as his sister tended to babysit. But this week she was on a trip with his parents.
He brings her to the changing table and wraps his arms around me and cries into my shoulder as I change Nora.
I finish, getting her to settle down and she soon falls asleep. Her fake eyelids close.
"I'm such a bad parent." Tommy says.
I grab his hand and lead him back into his room and pull him so we both sit on the side of his bed.
I rest my hands on the sides of his face.
"Thomas, you're not an awful parent. We all forget things. Trust me." I start. "You volunteered to take care of Nora for me. Well, I guess that's being a good husband too." I say.
"You think so?" He asks.
"Tommy, you're an amazing parent." I say.
I wipe the tears that are running down his face and hug him.
"Thank you (Y/N)." He says.
"Anytime." I say.
I offer a gentle smile.
"Let's get you back to bed. You're tired." I say.
I drift off to sleep again.

I wake up and walk into the nursery to see Thomas feeding Nora.
"Morning love!" He says. The biggest smile crossing his face.
"Aww look at you two." I say.
"I made breakfast." He says.
(Wednesday 2:00 A.M.)
Tommy had went to take care of Nora 23 minutes ago and she's still crying.
I know he needs me so I walk into the room.
He's crying again. This is the second time it's happened.
"(Y/N)?" He asks.
"Yes Tommy?"
"I don't think I can do this. She won't stop. I've fed her, burped her, changed her diaper, rocked her, told her a story, yes I know she's a doll, but she won't stop crying." He explains.
"Tommy, sometimes babies just need to cry. Put her in the crib. I'm sure she can sleep." I suggest. He sets her down and within 5 minutes she falls asleep.
Thomas and I have been getting really close lately.
"Back to bed Mr." I say.
"Can we talk first?" He asks.
"What's up Tommy?" I ask.
He's holding me in his arms and looking into my eyes.
"I think I love you." He whispers.
"You what?" I ask.
"I'm sorry I'm so stupid." He starts to cry again.
I kiss him. But this time on the lips.
"Tommy, I've liked you since the class started." I say.
"What?" He asks.
"Yeah." I whisper.
"I love you." He says.
"I love you too Thomas." I say.

Thomas Sangester ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now