Thomas- Why me?

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(F/M) = Favorite Movie
(F/I) = Favorite Ice cream
It was any other boring Friday so I decided to do an anonymous message on my Snapchat. See what people would say to me.
I set my phone down on the table and walked away to make lunch. Just a simple sandwich should be fine. After I was done I went back to grab my phone and saw I had 14 notifications from the app.
I opened it and started reading them.
You're an ugly attention seeker.
Nobody thinks you're cute.
You're a whore
You're super gorgeous
I love you best friend
Why are you so ugly
I like you but don't know how to tell you
You'll never get a boyfriend
Imagine being that ugly
Girl, we need to hang out soon!!!
At this point, more messages were starting to appear. Some negative, and some positive.
I felt a tear slide down my cheek. They all hated me. The worst part was I didn't know who it was.
It could've been my best friend and crush Thomas.
I decide to go watch TV to take my mind off of things. It works and I finish a few episodes of whatever show I was watching before turning on my phone.
New messages.
Guys, stop lying to her and calling her cute.
Lmao single and can't get a man.
We should hang out more
Dude you're so ugly it's hard to believe.
There were so many of them. And I wanted to read them and see but I knew I shouldn't.
Of course my curiosity got the better of me.
I end up reading the stupid messages.
And it's a mistake.
Many of them calling me a whore, slutty, attention seeking, ugly, dumb, and stupid. And it didn't stop there.
Someone even wrote a whole paragraph explaining why I was so ugly.
I ran into my bathroom and looked into the mirror.
"Why?" I ask. "Why me?"
I can feel the tears running down my cheeks.
"Why do you have to look like this? Why doesn't anybody like you?" I ask.
I sink to floor of the bathroom, my back to the wall and set my face in my hands.
I know I shouldn't care but I do.
All of a sudden I get a call.
It's Thomas.
"Hey." I say.
I try to sound like I haven't been crying.
"Hey, I saw the messages." He says.
I forgot that people can click and see everything people say.
"Yeah." I say.
"I'm coming over right now. I have ice cream and a few of your favorite movies." He says.
"Thanks. But I really-"
"No, don't try to tell me you're okay. I've known you for how long?" He asks.
"Ten years." I say.
"Exactly. I know you aren't perfectly fine right now so please don't lie to me and say you are." He says.
"Thomas I know you care but I'd rather-" I try to say.
"No. I'm already on your street. Just come open the door in a minute." He says.
I hang up and sigh in frustration. I was in no state for him to see me.
Makeup not on, eyes bloodshot, tears everywhere. Me, a mess.
I felt so vulnerable. And I hated it when I was like this around him.
I hear a knock on the door. And I know it's Thomas. And I know I have to open it for him.
"Hey." He says.
Before I can say anything else he grabs me and pulls me into a tight hug. He sets his chin on the top of my head.
"It's okay. I promise." He whispers.
It's the best feeling ever.
He doesn't pull away either. So we stay like this for a few minutes.
His hands tracing circles on my back. His arms pulling me into him.
But, finally I pulled away.
"Hey." I whisper.
"C'mon, let's go to the couch. I'll grab spoons. You grab blankets." He says.
He walks into my kitchen and I run to my room and grab my big fluffy blanket for us to share.
"Here." He says. He hands me (F/I) and a spoon.
He gets up and puts (F/M) into the DVD player and the movie starts.
He then sits right next to me and puts the blanket around both of us.
"Hey, feeling better?" He asks.
"A little." I say.
"Come here." He says.
I scoot a little twords him and he puts his arm around my waist and pulls me into him.
"I mean all the way silly." He says.
It felt nice.
"You know that feeling when you have a good friend and you like them but you don't wanna tell them because you're scared it will ruin everything?" He asks out of nowhere.
"I know exactly what your talking about." I say.
"Really?" He asks.
"Yeah." I whisper.
"Well, who is it?" He asks.
My heart stops.
"I can't tell you." I say.
"Tell me."
"Thomas, you go first." I say.
"No, you go first."
"Then I'm not telling you Thomas!" I say.
He sighs.
"Do you really wanna know who I'm talking about?" He asks.
"It's you." He says.
"What?" I ask
"Hold on. Let me talk. I saw all the messages and it just made me so angry that someone could say something like that to such an amazing beautiful girl. And that they definitely don't know you like I do because you're smart and you're gorgeous and you could get any guy you wanted to." He starts.
"And you're the sweetest most bubbly person I've ever met. You care so much about other people and it's so hard to believe people could say that horrid stuff about you. I think I'm in love with you. And I have been for 4 years." He whispers the last part.
"What?" I ask.
"I'm sorry. I messed up everything." He says.
"No, Thomas. I love you too. No guy has ever just gotten me like you have. You're always the one there for me when I need someone. Even if what you said was true, that I could get any guy I wanted, it would mean nothing unless that certain guy was you. You always make me laugh and you know when I'm upset and I feel stupid for not telling you sooner." I say.
"So you like me too?" He asks.
"No, I love you." I say.
"Really?" He asks.
"Thomas, of course." I say.
I pull him into a hug, and he pulls me so I'm sitting on his lap sideways, and his hands are wrapped around my waist.
"Where's you phone?" He asks.
"Right here." I say.
He takes it from my hands before entering Snapchat.
The place with the swipe up.
He makes sure the camera is in before pulling me into a sweet, passionate kiss.
And, instead of taking a picture, it was a video.
And he posted it!
"Thomas!" I scold.
"What, they can't say you're single anymore." He says.
I laugh.
"Yeah. And I have the most handsome boyfriend too." I say.
"And I have the most stunning girlfriend." He says.
"And love, if they can't say it to your face, it means they're jelous and cowards. So don't let it bother you.
I posted a picture of us cuddling and captioned it 'with the love of my life Thomas Brodie-Sangster.'
And then, my messages went off.
"Listen, don't let it get to you." He says.
"I won't." I say.
Girl, get him!!!!
I'm so happy for you - Kaya
Aww they look happy.
It's not gonna last
Look at them it's so cute
So she can get a boyfriend. Lmao.
She proved you dummies wrong. Get him! You are adorable.
Cutest couple award goes to....
They're almost all positive Tommy." I say.
"Hmm, Tommy has a nice ring to it." He says. "But so does (Y/N) Sangster."
I blush and hug him again.
"I love you." He says.
"I love you too." I say.

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