Thomas - Premier

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"Come on (Y/N)! We're going to be late!" Kaya yells.
"Hold on!" I yell.
Tonight was the premier of The Death Cure. Kaya was taking me with her as her plus one as we've been friends for the longest time.
So that meant I also had to walk the carpet with her.
"Come on! It's not that hard to put on the heels!" She yells laughing.
"I'm trying!" I laugh.
"Try harder." She says.
We both end up laughing and I have both heels on. My dress was red and my heels matched.
I had on red mascara and red lipstick with light countour and foundation.
"You ready to go?" She asks. "The cab is here."
"Yeah, let's go." I say.
I grab my small red back with a gold chain strap and put it over my shoulder. It had my phone, money, and lipstick.
"Alright, we better get going." She says.
I was super excited to see Dylan again.
I had met him a few weeks ago when Kaya introduced us. He was super cool and he seemed like a good friend.
"It's here. This one." She says.
"Kaya, you said a cab not a limo." I say.
"Well, it's the cab for tonight. Hurry in." She rushes me inside.
We both sit in the cab and she turns to me.
"You excited?" She asks.
"Why wouldn't I be? I get to meet everyone!" I say excitedly.
"You're going to love them!" She says.
Soon we arrive and we get out at the end of the carpet.
I had been in a few movies myself. I was somewhat popular.
As we walked down the red carpet we heard fans cheering for both Kaya and I.
We took a few pictures and did a few interviews before it was time to go to the screening of the movie.
And I was toatally excited.
I was so excited, I just knew I sat by Kaya. I didn't even know who I sat next to on the other side.
"It's starting!" I whisper excitedly to Kaya.
"I know! I'm excited for you to see it!" She whispers back.
Soon the lights turn off and the movie begins to play.
Halfway through the first movie, when I watched it when it first came out, I had decided that Newt was my favorite charecter.
But here, in this small theatre, well not theatre.
The chairs were long couches with no arm rests in between. They were very cozy.
But, here, in the viewing room, he was being taken away from me.
I watched as he slowly turned into a crank, trying to kill himself, but Thomas not letting him. But then, the knife sank into his chest.
"No." I whisper.
I feel a few years roll down my cheeks. And I try to be super quiet.
I guess I didn't do a good job because the guy sitting next to me put his arm around me and pulled me into him.
"Shh, it's okay love." He whispers.
His voice sounds smooth and framilliar. But I can't place a finger on it.
"I'm sorry." I say into his jacket shoulder.
It had a fuzzy collar on it.
"No, you're fine love." He whispers.
"It's just that I didn't want Newt to die." I say.
"I don't think anyone did." He says.
We stay like this for a long time.
His arm around my shoulders.
After a bit, I take my head of his shoulder to watch the movie again. Still upset at what had just happened.
And, of course, a few scenes later, Minho hands Thomas a small necklace.
Newt's necklace.
And it was a letter.
It reads th saddest thing ever.

"Dear Thomas

This is the first letter I can remember writing obviously i don't no if I've wrote any before the maze but even if this isn't my first it's likely to be my last."
I start crying again and I feel the arm around my shoulder tighten around me more.
I also feel an arm wrap around my waist and pull me into him.
"You're boyfriend won't be mad about this right?" He asks.
"I don't have one." I say.
"I want you to no that I'm not scared of dyeing anyway more of forgetting losing myself to the virus that's what scares me so every night I say there names out loud Alby, Winston, Chuck."
As the letter continues I feel myself crying even harder.
"Good, just making sure." He says.
"And I say it over and over like a prayer and it all comes flooding back just the little things like how the sun used to hit the glade at that perfect moment right before it slipped beneath the walls and the taste of frypans stew never thought i would miss that stuff so much and I remember you just a scared little greenie who couldn't even remember his own name but from that moment you ran into the maze I new I would follow you anywhere and I have we all have and if I could do it again I wouldn't change a thing and my hope for you is that you'll be looking back years from now and be able to say the same the future is in your hands now Tommy I no you'll find a way to do what's right you always have take care of everyone and take care of yourself you deserve to be happy thank you for being my friend good bye mate,
At this point I'm balling my eyes out into this stranger's shoulder. All I know about him is that he's part of the cast. I have no clue which one.
I know it's not Dylan as this guy is British. So it's either Will or Thomas.
The lights turn on but I'm still crying into his shoulder.
"So I see you've met Thomas." Kaya says to me.
I pick my head up and look and see that I've been crying into Thomas Sangster's shoulder.
"I'm so sorry Thomas." I say.
"It's fine. Sometimes you just gotta let it out. Are you coming to the party?" He asks.
"I don't know." I say. "What party?" I ask.
"It's supposed to be for cast and their partners. But we aren't dating so I don't think you can go." Kaya says.
"It's alright. She can go with me." Thomas says.
"That means you have to ride with him too." Kaya says smiling.
"Alright. I'm in." I say.
Truth is, in these few minutes I've caught feelings for him.
But I'm probably just the girl that cried on his shoulder during the movie.
"(Y/N) right?" He asks.
"Yeah, how did you know?" I ask.
"I've seen a few of your movies. And Kaya tells us stories about you." He says.
"Oh no." I say laughing.
"You're an amazing actor by the way." He says. "Take my hand. The crowds get really crazy in the way out." He says.
We walk back down the carpet. This time I'm hand in hand with Thomas. We eventually make it to his limo and we both get in.
He pulls me to sit next to him and he puts his arm around my shoulder.
"You're really pretty." He says.
"Thanks. You're very handsome Thomas." I say.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks.
"What?" I ask
I was a tad bit confused.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks again.
I don't say anything. I'm shocked.
"On the lips." He adds.
"Yeah." I say.
He turns me so I'm facing him and I throw my arms around his neck and his go to my waist.
All of a sudden, his lips are on mine. We're both out to party so it's not super sweet. Instead, it's passionate and sloppy.
At some point he added his tounge. And dang was he a good kisser.
After a few minutes we pull away.
"You're beautiful." He mumbles.
"Thomas, we have an issue." I say.
"What is it love?" He asks. "You're not my girlfriend and you should be?" He asks.
"Yes. But there's another one." I say.
"You're lipsticks smudged." He says.
All of a sudden his eyes open wide in realization.
He has lipstick all over his mouth.
"It's fine. Let them look at us if they want to." He says.
We both laugh.
"So, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks.
"Yes. I'd love to be your girlfriend." I say.
W both get out and get to the cast party and all eyes are on us.
"What happened to you two?" Dylan asks, Kaya right behind him.
Thomas grabs my hand and smiles.
"Well, I'm not single anymore." Thomas says.
"I'm not either." I giggle.
"Aww. You two are cute." Kaya says.
I see Will walking over to say hi to Kaya when he notices Thomas.
"You have lipstick all over your face." He says.
"Yeah, I know. It's hers." He says pointing to me.
I blush.
"You get her Thomas!" Will cheers.
Tonight is gonna be fun. I couldn't wait to meet everyone else and dance with Thomas.

Thomas Sangester ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now