Newt - Ilikeyou

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(in this, Newt never jumped and he's still a runner.)
I woke up and got ready for the day. Today I would be trying out for running. They've decided to also have Newt train me. That's not gonna be fun. Me, alone with him in a maze.
The truth is I liked him. A lot.
"Hey love, ready to go?" Newt asks, and helps me finish packing up my runner's backpack. I blush at the nickname.
"Yeah, just about." I say.
"Just us two in the maze together!" He says rubbing his shoulder on mine in a joking way.
I giggle.
"Yeah. Just the two of us." I say.
"Alright. So, we're gonna stay out for a little while. Wait until you see the cliff!" He explains.
"We can have a picnic!" I exclaim.
He thinks.
"Yeah, I'm sure they won't mind if we have a little picnic." He says and he smiles at me. "Alright love, we gotta go." I nod.
He helps me put on my runner's backpack and grabs my hand leading me to the maze. He lets go of my hand.
"Sorry love, I shouldn't have, umm, I didn't, uh, didn't mean it, I umm." He stutters, after realizing he was holding my hand
"Newt, don't apologise." I grab his hand again. And we both blush.
"Okay so, to the cliff?" He asks.
"Yes. You can do all the runner's training with me on the way there, do all the other stuff, then finish on the way back?" I ask.
"Love, training is a week long process." He explains. I blush, slightly embarrassed.
"Are you training me all week then?" I ask.
"Unless you want Minho to train you, then yes." He says.
"Oh I'd take Minho any day over you." I joke but see the sadness in his eyes and he drops my hand once again.
I throw my arm over his shoulder as we slow down and make it to the cliff.
"Newt I'm kidding. I obviously want you to train me." I explain. His eyes light up.
"Really!" He asks.
"Of course! Newt, how could I pick anyone over you?" I ask.
"I mean, I wouldn't pick me if I were you." He sighs.
"Yeah well I like you." I whisper.
"What was that love?" He asks setting the food out on a small mat.
"Nothing." I say.
"Love, it was definitely something." He says.
"I'm just, ilikeyou."
"Slow down love. Let's try that's again." We're both sitting on the mat, his hands on my shoulders.
"I-i can't." I say, freaking out.
"Deep breaths love." He sits next to me and sighs. "Please tell me." He begs.
"Love, slow down." He puts a hand on my cheek so I look at him.
"I like you Newt." I say and close my eyes waiting for his hand to leave my cheek. Waiting for him to leave me here.
"Wh-what?" He asks.
"Newt, you know what I said. Stop, I know you're just gonna make fun of me for it."
"Why would I make fun of the girl I like, love?" He asks.
"You like me too?" I ask.
"Ever since I pulled you out of that box I have." I smile and he pulls me into his lap so I'm sitting across him sideways.
"So what now?" I ask.
He doesn't say anything but wraps both if his arms around me. One around my waist and one around my shoulders.
I put one hand in his chest and my other arm around his neck.
"Can I?" He asks, his eyes flicking between my eyes and my lips.
I just nod.
His lips touch mine softly, and he kissed me gently, like he could easily break me, but it was still passionate.
"Newt, I love you." I say as we pull back. I rest my head in the crook of his neck.
"I love you too, (Y/N)."
I smile against his neck and he hold me a little tighter. We stay like this before we hear a small beeping sound.
"I hate to break it to you love, but we gotta head back for tonight. We're having the fire tonight." He explains.
"Alright." I get up and help him pack all of the food. "Newt, can we eat on the way back?" I ask.
"Yeah. I'll carry you so you don't inhale any food." He says, crouching down so I can hop on his back, on top of the runner's bag.
"You sure you can carry me and all the stuff Newt?" I ask.
"It's alright love." He says.
I smile and take a bite of the bread.
We finally reach the doors and we see Minho who facepalms.
"Newt! You're supposed to train her not carry her!" He scolds.
"She had to eat and I didn't want her choking on her food." Newt explains.
"Why didn't she eat at lunch time then Newt?" He asks.
"Because! She didn't eat at lunch." Newt explains.
"Why not Newt?" Minho presses.
"Because. I was keeping something from him and he really needed me to tell him what it was. It was my fault. Blame me not him." I say hopping off his back.
"And what was this secret (Y/N)?" Minho asks. Newt and I both turn red. Newt grabs my hand.
"She likes me." Newt says. "And I like her too." Newt then presses a kiss to my cheek.
"Is this true (Y/N)?" Minho asks.
"Duh you slinthead. Why else do you think I requested to have Newt train me?" I ask.
"You requested to have me train you?" Newt asks.
"Umm, maybe?" I say, blushing.
"Oh no. You two shuckfaces are being put in the gardens as track hoes."
"Wait are you serious Minho?" I ask.
Newt looks happy.
"Yes. We can't have you both in the maze going on all your cute dates all the time." Minho explains. "So, as both of you definitely also liked the gardens, we've decided to put you both there. Also, because of the fact that if we lost one of you in the maze it would cause issues. It's just better this way."
"Newt, are you okay with it?" I ask. He nods at me.
"As long as it's with you." He says and kissed my forehead.

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