Paul McCartney - Sick Day

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I was currently sat in the living room listening to Paul singing and playing his guitar for me. I was sick. So that meant he felt the need to take care of me.
He wouldn't let me get up unless I had to go to the bathroom and he brought me anything I would need.
"Any requests, love?" Paul asks me.
"Can you play eight days a week?" I ask him.
He smiles knowing that's my favorite song.
"Of course my love." Paul says before turning back to his guitar and singing the song.
I clap when he's done playing and he smiles at me.
"Now what?" Paul asks.
"I want to paint." I say.
"Now, is that such a great idea? You're sick. You need rest." Paul exclaims.
"I guess not. I'm just really bored, Paul. I want to cuddle but I can't get you sick. The band needs you too much for you to be sick." I say.
"No, it's alright. If you want to we can cuddle." Paul says.
"Paul, I'm not going to get you sick. So just stay over there where I can't cough on you." I say.
"Want another song, the TV?" He asks.
"I don't know. I'm bored Paul. I've been laying here all day. I want to go do something." I say sitting up.
"Lay down." Paul says gently pushing me back into the couch.
"Paul. I'm serious. There's nothing to do. And I do admire your voice, but it isn't fun just laying here all day." I explain.
"I know, I know. I love you and I want you to get better so you have to rest." Paul says.
"I love you too Paul." I say.
He kisses my forehead and grabs my hand.
"Your forehead feels really warm." He says frowning.
"Is it?" I ask.
"Yes. I think we should get you into the doctors." Paul says.
"You took me yesterday, remember?" I ask.
"That's right. Well, I'll be back. I've got to go pick up your prescription. I don't think I've done that yet?" He asks.
"No, they called a little bit ago that it was filled. Can you get it please?" I ask him.
He kisses my cheek before walking out of the door.
I sigh and get up to walk to the kitchen.
I got rid of him.
I love him, but I didn't want to lay on the couch all day long. I would rather walk around a little bit, even if I was sick.
"Love I'm- (Y/N)? Where are you love?" I hear Paul call out.
"I was just grabbing a bite to eat." I whine.
"Nope. Back to the couch for you. I'll bring you some water and some food and your meds." Paul says.
"Thanks Paul." I sigh.
"I love you."
"I love you too Paul."
"I love you more." He calls.
I was laying on the couch waiting for him to bring me some food.
"Paul, are you almost done?" I call out.
"Patience. I'll be there in just a few. Don't you worry." Paul yells back.
As promised, he comes over to me with some eggs, water, bacon, and my meds.
"Paul thank you so much." I say
"Anything for you, love." He says smiling.

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