Thomas - First Kiss

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"Come on! It's the fair. Plus we have a surprise for you (Y/N)!" My best friend yells. I roll my eyes.
Truth is, I really wanted to go with my boyfriend Thomas. But, he was busy. So instead I was going with my friend and her boyfriend.
"I don't know. I wanna wait until tomorrow so I can go with Tommy." I say. She rolls her eyes.
She walks over to my closet and continues to dig through all of my outfits before pulling one out.
"This is the one." She says smiling.
It's a simple pink crop top with short sleeves that's off the shoulders. And for the pants it's a high-waisted pair of light blue denim shorts with 4 light golden buttons.
"It's cute." I say shrugging.
"Get dressed. I'm doing your makeup." She says. "We have to be there by 5." She explains.
It was currently 3 (pm) and we wanted to go to the fair at night so we could watch the sunset. How romantic. (Just kidding. There's no Tommy.) We were going to stay until 1 in the morning when it closed.
"Alright." I say.
I go into the bathroom to throw on the outfit. I have to admit, it was super cute. I walk out of the bathroom and into my room to see my friend laying all my makeup pallets out.
"So, it needs to match, so I'm thinking a light foundation and countour and a pink eyeshadow." She explains. "Then for the lips just a simple chapstick."
"Sounds good to me." I sigh.
"Okay, what's up. You're never this sad."
"I just really wanted to go to the fair with Tommy. I thought it would be the perfect place to have our first real kiss. On the top of the ferris wheel as the sun's going down."
"What do you mean first kiss? You two kiss all the time." She asks.
"I mean a real kiss. We've never 'kiss' kissed. Just the little pecks on the lips." I say.
"You're telling me that you've been with him for 3 months and have never kissed!?!?" She exclaims. "Oh honey, that's gotta change."
I laugh a little bit.
"Yeah, I know." I say.
She finishes up with my makeup and we head out to the front yard to wait for her boyfriend.
"So I'm third wheeling." I say.
"Oh don't be so bitter about it. Like I said, we have a surprise for you at the fair." She says.
"Alright. It better not be a corn dog like last year." I say, her rolling her eyes.
"I can promise you that it's not." She says. We both laugh.
A few minutes pass and her boyfriend pulls up to my house and we hop into the car.
They kiss, making me feel even worse about Tommy not being here. I missed him a little bit.
I decided to push those thoughts out of my mind. I'd see him soon anyways. We planned to go out sometime this week. I'll see my love then.
"So, (Y/N) how are things going with Tommy?" Max, my friend Lexi's boyfriend asks.
"Good. I guess I just miss him." I say.
"I can tell. You two are always attached to each other." He says. This makes me laugh, thinking of how Tommy and I are literally always with each other.
"Isn't it odd seeing her without him for a change?" Lex asks.
"Oh yeah. I'm still getting used to it." He jokes.
I've always loved Max as a friend. Our families have been friends for as long as I can remember.
I met Lexi later on in 5th grade. We didn't become friends until 6th. Our 5 year friend anniversary had happened last week on June 10th. Today being the 17th.
Lexi and Max had become friends with Tommy almost as soon as he moved into our neighborhood last year, and had introduced us a week later. We instantly clicked. He would come over and my mom would let him spend the night. He was my best friend. My mom said he was like the son she'd never had.
I smile remembering all the memories with Tommy.
I remember how a short 3 months ago he showed up to my doorstep drenched in the rainwater.
*3 months ago*
"Thomas Brodie-Sangster, get in here right now. You're going to get sick!" I scolded. "What in the world do you think you're doing out in the rain with only a thin jacket?"
"Okay listen (Y/N), I have to tell you this now before I lose confidence and can't say it. I'm gonna chicken out if I don't say it right now." He starts to say.
"Thomas, get inside right now! It's pouring out there! And it's 8:00!" I exclaim. "Come on this way. You can tell me while we walk." I say.
"Okay, so um, I know we've only known each other for 9 months now, but I really really like you." He rambles.
While he's saying this I set him on the closed lid of the toilet in the bathroom and grab a towel wrapping it around his shoulders.
"What?" I ask, shocked.
"I have feelings for you." He says. "And I mean as in more than a friend. I'm sorry I definitely messed it all up." He says standing up.
"Listen, can we forget I said anything? I feel stupid now." He continues.
"Thomas. It's fine." I say.
I wrap my arms around him and set my head on his chest. Not the most comfortable since he was still wet and freezing from the rain.
"If I'm being honest, I really like you too." I say against his chest. "You're staying here tonight. We can both sleep on the couches in the living room. It's a Saturday night. My mom won't mind." I say.
"You- you like me too?" He asks.
I pull away from the hug.
"Thomas, what's not to like about you? You're handsome, charming, sweet, you care." I say. "Tommy the list goes on."
"Tommy?" He questions.
"I think Tommy fits you very well." I say.
"I think so too." He says, and kisses the top of my head.
"Let's get you dried off and we can cuddle, yeah?" I ask.
He just smiles and nods.
*Present Time*
"We're here (Y/N)!" Lexi squeals.
"Yay!" I pretended to be excited. Truth was, I needed Thomas here.
"Alright. Let's get you your surprise." Max says.
We all head into the fair when it happens.
It's him.
He's here.
"I-" I can't say anything.
"Baby!" I yell, running to him.
His arms were open, inviting me in. I was running and right before I hit into him I jumped.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck and his arms went around my waist.
"Tommy. I thought you were busy." I whisper.
"I was. Busy surprising you." He says. He kisses the space between my eyebrows and I hug him tighter.
"I can't believe you're here." I say.
"Aww. I love you." He states.
"I love you too Tommy."
"We're gonna leave you guys. See you later." Lexi yells.
Tommy sets me down before gently grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers together.
"Where do you want to go first, love?" He asks.
I point to the swings. The ones that were taller than the normal ones but let you sit with another person.
"Are you sure, love?" He asks.
"Tommy, I can handle it. You'll be there." I say.
He just smiles before he starts walking over there with me. Hand in hand.
"I'm nervous." I say.
I've never liked heights. Tommy knows this.
"It's alright. I'll be holding your hand." He says. I smile at him.
When it's our turn we take our seats. He lets go of my hand.
"Tommy, what are you doing?" I ask, begining to feel scared.
"It's alright. I got you love." He wraps an arm around my shoulder.
"Thanks." I say.
He just kisses the top of my head in response.
As the ride starts he pulls me closer. I felt safe.
"Tommy, look at the view." I say.
The way the buildings looked was just breath taking.
The sun was starting to go down, so I knew to go to the ferris wheel after this.
We enjoyed the rest of the ride, his arm around mine.
"Ferris wheel now, love?" He asks.
"Of course." I smile as we both walk together. His arm around my shoulder.
"It's a bit chilly, don't you think?" He asks.
I nod.
"A little bit. I'll be alright." I say.
"No. Take it." He says, handing me his jacket.
"But you'll be cold." I whine.
"Not as cold as you. I have a long sleeve on. You're in shorts and a t-shirt." He says.
I take the jacket and put it on. It was cozy and it smelled like him.
"Thank you Tommy." I say, leaning into him.
"No need to thank me love. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let my beautiful girlfriend freeze?" He asks.
"A bad one I suppose." I reply.
"Exactly love."
I smile at him once again. Being with him was perfect.
"When we get to the top, can I kiss you?" He asks.
I raise my eyebrow, confused.
"Tommy, you've kissed me before." I say.
"I mean a proper kiss. A real one. If you don't want to, it's fine. I just thought it would be perfect. As the sun's setting, at the top of a ferris wheel." He blushes.
"Tommy, I love that idea. Yes." I say.
He smiles and blushes a little bit more.
"Next!" The worker calls.
Tommy and I walk up to the cart and step in. He sits across from me.
"I think we have a good chance of being stopped exactly at the top." He says.
"Yeah. I think we do too." I blush.
As our cart gets nearer to the top, I start to get nervous. I've never kissed anyone before.
"Love, we're at the top." He whispers.
I lean forward and he puts one hand in my cheek, and I put both hands around his neck.
It wasn't too hard since the cart was very small.
I close my eyes as he closes his and we both lean in.
I feel his warm, smooth lips press against mine and I smile.
Our lips dance together perfectly, like a puzzle being completed. Like a piece fitting perfectly.
After a second, we pull back and the cart starts to move again before going without any interruptions.
"Tommy, that was amazing." I say, smiling at him.
"Yeah. It was." He says.
He shows me his phone while blushing.
It's a picture.
Of us.
At the top of the ferris wheel.
It was gorgeous. Our lips on each other's, with the sunset in the background. All the other rides just small silhouettes behind us.
"Tommy, it's beautiful." I say.
"It's my new lock screen. So whenever I open my phone, I get reminded of this perfect moment." He says.
I kiss him again, this kiss not lasting as long, but having just as much as the last.
"Send me that yeah? I want it for my screen too." I say.
"Of course." He says.
"What do you say we get some cotton candy, go on a few more rides, then we can go to my place and cuddle?" He asks. "You know my parents always welcome you."
"Tommy, that sounds perfect."
"Perfect end to the perfect day huh?" He asks.
"Anything's perfect if it's with you." I say.
He smiles at me.
"Tommy you have such an amazing smile." I say.
"You're the girl that puts it there, love." He says.
I blush.
We get off the ride, hand in hand, smiling, and we head to the cotton candy stand.
Life couldn't get any more perfect than tonight with Thomas.

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