Paul McCartney - Sister (2)

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I kiss him on the cheek which earns him a pout.
"Hey, may I take your order?" A waitress asks.
"Just a tea and whatever the pretty lady likes." He says.
I blush.
"A tea sounds quite lovely." I say.
"I'll be back in a minute." She smiles.
*Part 2*
"You missed, love." He says as our waitress walks away.
"Paul, what are you going on about?" I ask. "What do you mean I missed?"
"You kissed my cheek." He says.
"Yeah. I didn't miss." I say.
At this point I was confused. He didn't make sense.
"You missed my lips, love." He says.
Ohhhh. That's what he meant.
"Well, I've never exactly kissed a boy before." I say.
He looks a bit shocked.
"What do you mean you've never kissed a boy before?" He asks.
"Exactly that." I giggle.
"You're telling me, that a girl as lovely as you has never kissed anyone?" He asks.
His eyebrows raise a little bit in shock of what I had just said.
"Never." I say.
"Mind if I change that? You can say no if you want love." He says.
"Yes." I whisper.
It happens slowly. His arm moves to my waist, and his free hand moves to my cheek.
"Are you sure?" He asks.
I didn't trust my voice, so I just nod.
I move my hands to his waist, unsure if I'm doing it right.
"Paul, where exactly are my hands supposed to go?" I ask.
"Love, my waist is fine." He responds. "Close your eyes alright?"
I nod, closing my eyes. Then I feel his lips press against mine. They're soft, slightly chapped, but he's wearing chapstick. Strawberry I think.
I smile I to the kiss as his lips move against mine. It felt perfect.
It felt...
He pulls away and we smile at each other.
Love, wanna come to my place later and I could sing you a few songs?" He asks.
"That sounds good."
I turn so we're side to side, and he pulls me back into him so we're cuddling in the booth.
"Here you two lovelies are. Two teas." The waitress says.
She sets both teas on the table and I go to sip mine. Except I miss.
And I spill it all over myself.
"You've got to be joking." I sigh in defeat.
"Paul I'm so sorry." I say.
"Love it's fine." He says.
He grabs some napkins and looks down at me.
"May I?" He asks.
I nod.
"I'm sorry. This must be the worst date you've ever been on." I sigh.
He was working on dabbing the tea off of my shirt.
"It's not. Well, it may be. I've never exactly been on a date. And I plan on going on many more with you. So if this ends up being the worst I'm plenty alright with that." He says.
He kisses the top of my head.
"Paul, you missed." I say, giggling.
"Oh sorry love."
He places a quick kiss to my lips.
"Do you want to go love?" He asks. "As you have tea all over you."
"Finish your tea Paul." I sigh.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." I say.
He finishes his tea and leaves the money on the table.
"My place is only a block down. Not too far love." He says.
He puts his arm around my waist and I put mine around his and rest my head on his shoulder.
"Here we are love." He says.
It's a nice little house.
"No one's home right now love. We'll be alone." He says.
I don't know why, but I get a little nervous.
He must have noticed.
"Sorry, I won't do anything love." He says.
"Thank you Paul." I say smiling.
He leads me into the house and into his room and he tosses the guitar case lightly on his bed.
"Let's get you a change of clothes now shall we?" He asks.
I nod.
He walks over to his dresser and shuffles through the drawers.
"Will this work?" He asks, holding up a plain blue t shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants.
"Yeah, of course." I say.
"The bathrooms this way." He says.
"Alright. Thank you Paul." I say.
He leads me to the bathroom.
"I'll just wait outside." He says.
I go into the bathroom and remove my dress and shoes. I slide his shirt over my head before putting the pants on.
I open the door and Paul just stares at me.
"What?" I ask.
"You look amazing." He says.
I smile at him and wrap my arms around his neck and put my face in his chest. He wraps his arms around my waist.
"How about we head into my room and I play you some songs, yeah?" He asks.
"Sounds good. Hey, you got a sweatshirt? I'm kinda cold." I say.
"Yeah, yeah. Come on, I'll grab you one." He says.
He leads me into his room and I sit on his bed.
"Here. This work?" He asks and holds up a black sweater.
"Yeah." I say.
He sits next to me and hands it to me. I slide it in and he presses a quick kiss to my lips.
He picks up his guitar and plays a few songs for me.
"Gosh Paul, you're so talented." I say.
"Thanks love." He kisses my forehead.
"What time is it?" I ask.
"It's 3. You gotta be home at a certain time?" Paul asks.
"No, I just probably should be home by 6." I say.
"Alright. How do you feel about cuddling? We don't have to if you don't want to." He says.
"Paul that sounds wonderful." I say.
He moves the guitar off the bed and pulls the covers down.
He pulls me down next to him and I lay my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around me.
"This is perfect." He says.
"Hmm?" I ask.
"This is perfect. Me and you. It feels right." He says.
"Yeah. It does." I whisper.
"Maybe we can stay like this forever." He says.
"Paul, I wish I could but I've gotta be home by 6 so John doesn't throw a fit. It's bad enough I'm showing up in your clothes." I say.
"Yeah, I know." He says. "What are you doing tomorrow at 1?" He asks.
"I don't have any plans." I say.
"Well, I could use another date you know." He says.
"Oh yeah?" I ask.
"Oh yeah." He says.
We just lay there in silence a little bit longer.
"Where do you wanna go?" He asks.
"I don't know. How about you surprise me tomorrow Paul?" I ask.
"Yeah. I guess I will." He says.
"Am I walking here or are you gonna pick me up?" I ask.
"Well I can't make the pretty lady walk all the way here alone." He says. "Of course I'm picking you up love." He says.
"Alright. Paul I really like you." I say.
"I really like you too." He says.
I prop myself up on my elbows, one on each side of him. His arms were still around my waist.
"Paul, I really really like you." I say.
"Well baby, I really really like you too." He says.
"Paul, do you believe in love at first sight?" I ask.
"I didn't until I met you." He says.
I lean down and kiss him. Our lips molding perfectly together. It felt like this was supposed to be happening. It felt right.
After some time I pulled away and we just looked at each other.
"You know, some day I think I'd like to wake up next to you everyday." He says.
"I don't think I'd mind waking up to you everyday either." I say.
I lay my head back on his chest and he pulls one hand from my waist and puts in my hair and starts playing with it.
I close my eyes and feel myself start to drift off.
When I wake up I feel an arm around me and someone playing with hair.
"Hmm." I groan.
"Love, you alright?" Paul asks.
Thats right, I'm with Paul. I think.
"Paul, what time is it?" I ask.
"It's 7:30." He says.
"Paul, why didn't you wake me up?" I ask, propping myself on my elbows the same way as earlier.
"You looked so peaceful. I felt bad." He says.
"Oh Paul, he's gonna kill me." I sigh.
"I'm so sorry love." He whispers.
I lean down and place a quick kiss on his lips.
"No, it's fine. Walk me home?" I ask.
"Of course I can." He says.
We get up and he puts and arm around me and we leave his house.
"Thank you for today Paul. It was truly amazing." I say.
"I'm glad. I had an amazing time with you too love." He says.
We walk the rest of the way in silence.
We reach my door and I knock.
It swings open instantly.
"Where have you been?" John asks.
"I was out for tea with Paul." I say.
"Why are you wearing his clothes? Did you sleep with him?" He asks.
"John, no. I spilled tea on myself and he invited me over to listen to him sing and offered me a change of clothes." I explain.
"It's 7:45. How many songs did he sing?" John presses.
"Listen mate, we cuddled after a few songs. She fell asleep and I couldn't bring myself to wake her up." Paul explains.
"John he didn't do anything dirty to me. He's a gentleman. Honestly." I say.
"I'm sorry." John says.
"It's alright mate." Paul says.
"I'll see you tomorrow at 1 Paul." I say.
"See you tomorrow at 1 love." Paul says.
I kiss him before he leaves, and I walk into the house.

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