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AllyB has add LaurenJ Mani and DinahJane to a group chat.

LaurenJ: nope. Allyson I am not doing this. I will not be in a group chat with this girl.

DinahJane: wow very mature Lauren 😒

LaurenJ: shut up. After what you did you're not allowed to judge me for anything! Ever.

Mani: Lo, please can we not do this.

DinahJane: no Mani. Don't. She already thinks the worst of me, even though I tried to explain myself and tell her what actually happened but of course she won't believe me.

LaurenJ: what's there to believe? I saw you, with that girl, with my OWN two eyes! I saw what you did and how you fucking betrayed us.

DinahJane: no you saw what she wanted you too see. You didn't even bother asking me what really happened.

LaurenJ has left the chat.

DinahJane: Allyson is was nice of you to try but Lauren will never listen to me. No matter how hard I try she will never listen so what's the point of trying anymore. It's over.

DinahJane has left the chat.

Mani: Ally we need to do something. We need to do something so Lauren can find out how horrible her best friend is. We need to expose her.

AllyB: I know Mani but Lauren won't believe anything said against her best friend. She loves that girl way too much to see the bad.

Mani: I know.

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