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Trigger Warning: mentions of eating disorders.

Mani: so Lauren is back. She came back last night around three.

DinahJane: I might be reading too much into this but you don't seem to happy.

AllyB: yeah Mani what's wrong?

Mani: she hasn't eaten anything today. We both work up at seven and it's going on five right now and she hasn't eaten anything.

Mani: I think she might be going back to her old ways.

DinahJane: no she wouldn't do that. She made a promise and you know Lauren doesn't break promises.

Mani: baby believe me I know that which is why I'm so worried about her starving herself again.

Mani: I'm not sure what happened while she was gone but it must have been something bad for her to get back into the mindset of not wanting to eat.

AllyB: now are you sure she hasn't eaten anything? Could it have been something small like a bowl of cereal or something?

Mani: Als I've been with her all day and I haven't seen her eat anything. And what I tried offering her some of my food she quickly denied and said that she wasn't hunger.

DinahJane: um I'll be back.

DinahJane has left the chat.

Mani: ok...


Chat between Laurinah.

DinahJane: I know I'm not your favorite person right now but Normani is worried about you.

LaurenJ: why would she be worried? I'm fine.

DinahJane: she's worried because you're not eating. Lauren you have to eat.

LaurenJ: 🙄

LaurenJ: Dinah Jane I'm fine. I'm just not hungry is all.

DinahJane: oh please! We both know that's a lie because you love food Lo!

LaurenJ: honestly Dinah Jane what I go through is no longer your business! We broke up! So you no longer get to care about what I do or what I'm going through.

DinahJane: just because we broke up doesn't mean I'm going to stop caring. I still love you Lauren and I'm worried about you.

LaurenJ: well don't be.

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