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Trigger Warning: mentions of eating disorders and starving.

Lauren was sitting at a banquet ball with her father and Camila having the worst time of her life. She didn't want to be her with anyone other than Norminah but unfortunately because of the deal with her father she had to be here with somebody she didn't know nor like very much.

"Lauren go get me food." Camila demanded. "Snap! Snap!"

Lauren bit the inside of her cheek as she inhaled deeply and went to go get Camila her food. She didn't know what the girl wanted and she didn't really care, so she just got her any and everything that would fit on the small plate.

"Here. Enjoy." She said joylessly.

Camila snatched the plate from her and began eating as Mike talked about his company and what wonderful things would be coming up for them. Lauren rolled her eyes and slowly focused on her phone and the minute she unlocked it she was just struck with a deep sadness as she looked at the picture her, Normani and Dinah took at the beach. They were all so happy at one point but she ruined it and she'll never get that back.

Blinking back the unshed tears Lauren quietly excused herself and headed towards the bathroom. Unfortunately with her being in such a rush Lauren bumped into someone. "Shit I'm sorry." She muttered as she held her hand out towards the girl.

"So what I saw is true. You are dating that girl."

Her eyes grew wide and she quickly pulled Dinah into the bathroom. "DJ what are you doing here?" She whispers. Dinah shrugged "I wanted to see you and talk to you, but then I saw you with that girl so I decided to stay away." She explains.

Lauren sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. "Dinah you really shouldn't be here. Y-you have to go." She said nervously. Dinah furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head as she looked at Lauren. It's only been three weeks since she had broken up with them, yet the poor girl looked like she hadn't been taking care of herself.

"Lo have you been eating?" Dinah asked softly.

Lauren huffed "of course I am." She said. "I'm fine Dinah. Really you don't have to worry about me." Dinah knew she was lying but considering where they were she didn't want to make a scene. However this wouldn't stop her from worrying about the girl because Lauren clearly wasn't doing good right now and she was going to get to the bottom of it.


DinahJane: so I saw Lauren today...

AllyB: I got the hint that something's wrong.

Mani: is everything ok babe?

DinahJane: nope. She's not eating again, she looks absolutely miserable and I'm pretty sure that she hasn't slept in weeks. She looks so broken.

Mani: what are you trying to get at D?

DinahJane: I think there's more to the story of her breaking up with us than what she's trying to make us believe.

AllyB: are you saying that the new girl she's dating is controlling her and making her do all this stuff?

DinahJane: yes! Exactly what I'm saying. I mean watching her from afar Lauren didn't look happy with the girl. Yeah she wore a smile on her face and laughed at what ever the girl said but none of it was really. It was all fake.

Mani: how could you tell?

DinahJane: her smile didn't reach her eyes, her laugh wasn't as loud as it usually is. In fact it was pretty soft and forced. She often played with her fingers and looked nervous around the girl.

Ally: are you sure you're not reading too much into this because you don't want to accept the fact that she's moved on?

DinahJane: I'm positive. I know what I saw and I know Lauren isn't happy with that girl. I think something bad is going on and I think we should look into this "girlfriend" Of hers.

Mani: if it'll make you feel better, then sure. We'll look into her.

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