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"Lauren do we have to go?" Dinah whines.

Lauren nodded "yes. If we go and hear her out she'll leave us alone and we can all move on from this whole thing." She said. Dinah rolled her eyes but a nervous look made its way on her face. She didn't feel right about this, she felt like something was off about Camila wanting to move on. She didn't believe it and she just had this gut feeling that Camila didn't actually want to move on from this. She just felt off.

Arriving at the fancy restaurant that Camila had picked out Lauren quickly spotted her in the middle of the room and walked over to her. "Hello." She greets. Camila smiles "hello. I ordered you guys some water." She said. "I hope that's ok." She said. The three girls nodded as they sat down.

"So why are we here again?" Normani asked.

Camila sighed "I just wanted to apologize. I let the fame and everything get to my head and completely forgot about Lauren's feelings and I am truly sorry about that." She said sincerely. Dinah didn't believe her, she felt like her apologize was a lie but for Lauren she was willing to forgive the girl. "We forgive you." She spoke softly. "Like you said this whole thing is over now and we can all move on." Camila nodded "off cause we can."

As they were all eating Lauren suddenly didn't feel very well and quickly stood up. However when she stood up she stumbled but quickly caught herself. Everyone looked worried. "LoLo are you ok baby?" Normani asked. Lauren shook her head "no I think I'm going to be sick. I have to go to the bathroom." She said quickly before running in the direction of the bathroom.

Once inside the contents of her stomach came out right in the toilet and it didn't stop. The more she threw up the more it felt like her body was on fire. Her vision was blurry and she couldn't really see when someone walked in and sat next to her. Feeling her hair being stroked she turns her head and needle was immediately jabbed into her next. She felt light headed as her back hits the wall. Just as she was about to pass out she saw the face of Camila quite clearly and heard her every word.

"Once I'm done with you won't remember them or your relationship. It'll be just us as it should be."

When Did Things Change • LaurminahWhere stories live. Discover now