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Lauren was sitting at dinner with Camila and her father, and as they were talking she was spaced out thinking about what Dinah and Normani were doing because today was Saturday and they always did something fun on Saturdays. Even when her and Dinah broke up the three of them always went out together. Unfortunately that's never going to happen.

"Lauren feed me." Camila demanded.

Lauren raised an eyebrow at her and was going to argue but once the paparazzi caught her eye she gave in and fed the girl. It was humiliating and she felt like a servant but she kept thinking of her mom and how sick she was so she powered through the humiliation she felt.

"See? Lauren, you and Camila have such great chemistry. I don't doubt that by the time this is over you'll be head over heels in love with her." Mike says.

Lauren chuckled "nope. My heart still belongs to Dinah and Normani. I'm only doing this for mom." She said. Mike sighed as he shakes his head. "I just don't understand why you would want those two when you have a very beautiful girl sitting right next to." He said. "Lauren you and Camila have so much in common. You both grew up in very similar backgrounds, one of which those two underprivileged girls would never understand."

Lauren was ready to explode when Mike called Dinah and Normani underprivileged, but she held back as she released deep sigh. "Dad you can't control who I fall in love with. Yes maybe Camila is this great girl but she's not who my heart yarns for. When I think of the future I see myself with Dinah and Normani. I see the three of us happy in a small house with our three dogs and hairless cat." She said.

"But why would you want to settle for average when you can have amazing." Camila says. "When you can have me."

Lauren rolls her eyes. "You have no idea what you're talking about. Dinah and Normani are the furthest thing from average. They're incredible, funny, smart and just beautiful." She said passionately. "They get me the way nobody else does or ever will."

Sitting in her small apartment Zendaya was going over the divorce settlement between Mike and Clara to see if she could find anything and unsurprisingly she actually did.

According to the settlement Clara was supposed to get half of whatever Mike made from the company, which was fourteen million from what he made at the time of the divorce. However someone tampered with the papers and changes it so Clara only got twenty-five hundred and Mike could keep the rest.

Finding this new information Zendaya quickly wrote everything down before logging out of Mike's account and quickly closing her laptop. This information could really help Lauren and her mother.


Chat between Camila and Zendaya.

Camila: she's not budging. She's still in love with those two girls and I don't understand why! I mean I'm way hotter than those poor losers.

Zendaya: 🙄 Camila I don't think it matters how hot you are or how much money you have. Lauren loves them and I don't think that's ever going to change.

Camila: but why? I mean if Lauren actually gave me a chance she would see how great we are together. Her father likes me! I'm smart and funny! And I'm rich! What more could she ask for. I'm the full package and she's going to over look me for two girls who have no money and work a nine to five job. Ridiculous!

Zendaya: again just because you have all of that doesn't mean you can force her to like you. Lauren is dealing with a lot right now and I doubt falling in love with you is at the top of her list. Just let her be Camila.

Camila: yeah I guess I'm just going to have to step up my game and try harder to get her to fall with me.

Zendaya: 😒 you really don't know how to take advice.

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