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Mani: I don't mean to alarm anyone but I haven't seen or heard from Lauren all day.

DinahJane: is she ok?

AllyB: have you tried texting her?

Mani: all day. We were supposed to have our date this morning and it's been two hours and I haven't heard from her.

Mani: I'm starting to worry because this isn't like her to ditch without saying anything.

DinahJane: babe she's probably fine. You know when Lauren gets busy with something that she tends to forget about previous plans she's made.

AllyB: or she's with that girl.

Mani: nope. I tried her and she said that Lauren wasn't with her and then proceeded to tell me that they haven't talked in like three days.

DinahJane: that's weird. Lauren and her usually talk at least once a day. This doesn't seem like something that Lauren would do.

Mani: I know which is why I'm getting more and more worried.

AllyB: has anyone checked her apartment or the art studio she's loves? Or other places she might go?

Mani: yeah and I even asked her family and they couldn't tell me anything.

DinahJane: just drive around town. I'm sure you'll find her some where. This town isn't that big and Lauren isn't that hard to spot.

Mani: yeah, you're right.

When Did Things Change • LaurminahWhere stories live. Discover now