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Mani: Dinah? Are you there?

DinahJane: yeah. What's up?

AllyB: it's just you haven't been around in days and Mani's been worried. I've been worried! Everyone's been worried DJ.

DinahJane: I'm sure they have.

DinahJane: anyway I have to go.

Mani: go where? Dinah talk to us!

DinahJane: oh now you want to talk because when I tried talking to you, to apologize you fucking blew me off! You told me to mind my business and stay away from Lauren because I wasn't helping! So I'm doing just that I'm leaving you both alone.

LaurenJ: Mani is that true?

DinahJane: oh don't act like you didn't know! I bet you were the one who told her to tell me. So you can take your shock and stick it your fucking ass because I don't believe you!

DinahJane has left the chat.

AllyB: shit Normani what did you do.

Mani: I can't tell you. Just know that it was out of my control.

LaurenJ: Mani why would you tell her to leave me alone? Is that why she didn't come when I offered.

Mani: I did it because I thought I was helping. I didn't know she'd still be so upset about it.

LaurenJ: Normani you need to fix this and fix it fast.


Nobody: still pushing them away?

DinahJane: for fuck sake! Can you just leave me alone!

Nobody: not until both of your relationships are broken. Not until you do something so unforgivable that Normani has no choice but to break up with you.

DinahJane: you can't make me do that! Do you know how devastated she'd be.

Nobody: that's exactly what I'm going for. I need her to see that you're so crazy to fix. That no amount of love she gives you will ever fix you. You're nothing but damaged goods.

DinahJane: please don't make me do this.

Nobody: it's either you or Lauren. Your pick.

DinahJane: I guess I'm doing this.

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