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Lauren was sitting nervously and impatiently in her apartment as she waited for Zendaya to come over and talk about what they were going to do to get the money her father owes her mom. Being brought out of her thoughts by her phone ringing she quickly answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey meet me at your father's office. I have the papers to get him to cave." Zendaya said over the phone.

Lauren muttered a quick ok before grabbing her things and leaving her apartment. The drive to her father's office the only thing on her mind was getting that money for her mother, she needed this and there was no way she was going to give up on getting it for her.

"Lauren, baby what are you doing here?" Camila asked.

Lauren sighed "I need to talk to my father." She spoke coldly. "Well he's with someone so I guess you'll just have to spend time with me." Camila flirts. Lauren rolls her eyes and walked passed the girl and straight into her father's office where she saw Zendaya already there.

"How'd you get here so fast?" Lauren asked.

Zendaya shrugged "I took the back roads." She said simply. Lauren nodded as she turns to her father and all she could feel was anger. "Did you scam mom out of fourteen million dollars?" She asked. Mike chuckled "I didn't scam. I just renegotiated our agreement." He says. "My business had just got off the ground and giving your mother that much money would have ruined what I worked so hard on. It had to be done."

Zendaya laughs softly as she looks at him. "During the time of your divorce with Clara you were making over one hundred million dollars from this company. So giving her the fourteen million would have done nothing to your company. It wouldn't have sunk by giving her that money." She says. "You didn't want to give her the money because you were selfish and greedy. You wanted all the money to yourself but since it was a signed document you have someone change the papers so you only had to give her a very small amount of money."

Mike was getting frustrated and quickly stood up as he slams his hand on his desk. "No I didn't give her the money because I knew she wanted it to start up her own business! That's why we divorced, because I wouldn't allow her to start a company of her own. It wasn't needed." He yells. "She was angry and mad so she filed for divorce so that she would get just enough money to start up her business. So yeah I changed the papers because I didn't want her to compete with me and ruin my business."

Lauren was shocked but she got everything voice recorded on her phone. She sighed as she looks at him. "Dad you either give me the money to help with mom's treatment, including what you owe her or I'll take this tape to the media and expose what a shoddy businessman you are." She threatens. Mike rolled his eyes but quickly wrote a check and handed it to her. As much as he didn't want this he also didn't want the media knowing if his dark past secrets. It wouldn't end well.


DinahJane: so I've been doing some digging and I couldn't find anything online about her individually.

AllyB: ?

Mani: what do you mean?

DinahJane: what I mean is; if you search just her nothing other than a Facebook page and private Instagram comes up. So I started searching her with other people. Shawn Mendes, MGK and of course Lauren just to name a few.

DinahJane: upon doing this I found several articles about her and her relationships with other people. Her entire identity is based around how she looks with other people. She was the sweet innocence girl with Shawn Mendes. The good girl turned bad when she was with MGK and now she's the perfect business girlfriend with Lauren...

Mani: it's like she reinvents herself when she's with someone knew.

DinahJane: that's exactly what it is! I'm not sure why but nothing comes up when you just search her but when you add someone else a list of things come up. I'm not sure but I think she's trying to escape from something.

AllyB: or someone. Do you think you can find anything else on her.

DinahJane: possibly but it won't be easy.

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