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AllyB: so are you guys ok now?

LaurenJ: yeah everything's fine between.

Mani: yeah we're good. Lauren has explained everything to us and we understood where she was coming from.

DinahJane: yeah but what happened with that girl?

LaurenJ: Camila? Me and her broke up. She tried to get me to stay but I told her that the relationship wasn't something that I wanted.

AllyB: and how did she take that?

LaurenJ: fine? Well, at least I think she did.

Mani: what do you mean you think Lo?

LaurenJ: while we were dating she really liked being in the public eye. She liked when the paps took pictures of us kissing, holding hands or just in general. She loved reading headlines and articles about our relationship, she loved the media's reaction to our relationship and I don't think she was ready to lose that.

DinahJane: so she didn't take it well?

LaurenJ: um, no. No she didn't.


Camila: look I know we didn't end on a great note but I'd love for you to have coffee with me and Zendaya tomorrow. I would like to apologize in person.

LaurenJ: can I bring Mani and Dinah? I don't want any tension between you guys. I just want us all to move pass this.

Camila: yeah of course! Is twelve good.

LaurenJ: yeah twelve is good. See you then.

Camila: see you then.

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