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Camila: look I don't know what you said to Mike for him to call this relationship off but you can't leave me! Please I really need this.

LaurenJ: look you knew what this was when you got into a relationship with me. You knew that this was only temporary and I'm sorry for how I ended things but I had to.

Camila: look Lauren you can date Dinah and Normani but please don't end things with me. The media doesn't have to know about your relationship. They can just know about us. Please don't end this.

LaurenJ: Camila, look I'm sorry but this just isn't going to work out. I just don't have feelings for you like that. I'm sorry.

Camila: Lauren please.

LaurenJ: I'm sorry Camila but it's over.


LaurenJ: hey I know it's been a minute since we've talked but I was wondering if we could meet up and talk.

DinahJane: I mean, I guess we can.

LaurenJ: great! Meet me at my place tomorrow at noon.

DinahJane: sure. See you then.

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