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Nobody: you're a stupid stupid bitch! You know that right?

LaurenJ: I may be stupid but this, what you're doing to us, needs to stop! And I refuse to let you continue your reign of terror over us when you've lied and manipulated all of us into doing things when you made promises to leave the others alone. You didn't. You lied and you invalidated our deal so I can do whatever I want.

Nobody: oh you're fucking dead Jauregui!


Nobody: you better tell your bitch to back off or I swear something horrible will happen to her.

Mani: nope. You know when Lauren wants something done she gets it done and there is nothing you can do about it.

Nobody: so you're really going to side with that bitch?

Mani: Lauren isn't a bitch and yes I'm going to side with her. She's my girlfriend.

Nobody: you have no idea what you just caused. You really don't.

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