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Lauren was sitting anxiously as she waited for Dinah and Normani to show up. She didn't know what was going to happen but she was really hoping for a positive outcome to all of this.


She quickly sat up when she heard her name being called and smiled when she saw the two girls. "Hey I'm glad that you came." She said. Normani hums "well you said that you wanted to talk." She said. Lauren nods "yes! I just wanted to explain everything and why I did what I did." She spoke softly. Dinah looks at her and nodded. "Ok we're listening." She says. Lauren sighs as she began explaining everything from the beginning.

Listening to Lauren speak both Dinah and Normani could tell that she felt bad for how things ended between them, that she didn't want to end things but she needed to help her mom and they both understood that.

"Why didn't you ever come to us for help babe?" Dinah asked.

"Yeah you know we would've helped you." Normani adds.

Lauren blushed "you know how hard it is for me to ask for help. I didn't want you guys to feel like I was only using you for money." She said. "Our relationship was based off so much more than just materialistic things and I wanted it to stay that way."

Both Dinah and Normani laughed a little as they pulled Lauren in for a hug. "Baby we know that you would never use us. That was never a worry for us." Normani said. "Yeah Lo we love you." Dinah adds. Lauren smiled as she hugs them back. "I love you guys too."


Camila: Zendaya I need your help. I need you to help me win over Lauren.

Zendaya: why? Camila she has made it very clear that she loves her girlfriends. Why can't you just leave her alone?

Camila: because I need her! She actually makes me really happy and I'm not willing to let go yet.

Zendaya: Camila you can't force people to love you. That's not how it works. If Lauren really liked you she would be with you but she's not. You need to let her go.

Camila: no I just need to work harder to get her to like me.

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