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AllyB: Mani are you ok? You haven't talked to us in days. Is everything all right?

Mani: nope I'm super confused about why she would break up with me and reject Dinah. This just doesn't seem like something she would do out of the blue.

DinahJane: it wasn't out of the blue. She has a new chick. I saw the kissing outside her house when I went to go confront her about breaking things off with us.

Mani: she already dating someone new...

AllyB: Dinah are you sure that the girl wasn't just a friend?

DinahJane: Allyson I know what I saw and what I saw was Lauren, our Lauren, making out with some chick with long brown hair.

Mani: so she broke up with us to date someone else? Fucking typical.

Mani has left the chat.

AllyB: do you really think that's the reason why DJ?

DinahJane: no. I think Lauren has another reason why she wanted to break up but she's too scared to tell us why.

AllyB: have you tried talking to her?

DinahJane: can't. She blocked me. I mean she unblocked me for our group chat but then she blocked me again. I really think she's hiding something.


Chat between Lauren and Camila.

Camila: you really suck at faking your happiness. Either you sharpen up or I tell your father to let your mother die.

LaurenJ: well I'm sorry I'm completely fucking miserable right now and would much rather be in bed crying my eyes out then with you. You have no idea what I'm going through right now.

Camila: and I don't care! Lauren either you start acting like you love me or I post the nudes I got from Kehlani of Dinah and post them all over the internet ruining her reputation.

LaurenJ: fine I'll work on it a bit more. Make out "relationship" more believable.

Camila: that's all I wanted.

When Did Things Change • LaurminahWhere stories live. Discover now