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Trigger Warning: mentions of substance abuse and overdose.

Mani: guys Dinah overdose.

AllyB: what? When did you find out.

Mani: it's all over TMZ and her mother called me on her way to the hospital. She said that Dinah was out partying all night with an old friend and they were taking all kinds of things and when she got back late in the morning whatever she was taking caused her to have an seizure and overdose.

LaurenJ: is she ok?

Mani: we don't know. She hasn't woken up yet and the doctors say it's not looking good.

LaurenJ has left the chat.

AllyB: is she ok?

Mani: I don't know. I think this all might be too much for her.


LaurenJ: I should fucking kill you!

Nobody: ooh somebody seems upset.

LaurenJ: damn right I'm upset! I know you had something to do with Dinah overdosing.

Nobody: why do you care Lauren? You guys broke up. Shouldn't you be happy about this?

LaurenJ: why in the world would I be happy about this? If it wasn't for you and your insane need to break Dinah none of this would be happening right now! But for some reason you just can't let go of the past.

Nobody: of course not! If you were treated the way I was treated by your best friend you'd be mad and vengeful too. Dinah fucked me over so now I'm going to destroy her whole life.

LaurenJ: fucked you over? Dude Dinah tried inviting you out and from what she told me you never wanted to go. You were the one who decided to stay locked in your room, not Dinah. She tried being your friend but you pushed her away. This is your fault and I'm putting an end to you messing with her.

Nobody: what are you talking about Lauren? You can't say anything remember? Because if you do something bad will happen.

LaurenJ has blocked your number. You can no longer contact this person.

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