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Chat between Laurminah.

DinahJane: Lo have you taken any of the evidence you have to the police yet?

LaurenJ: not yet. I'm planning on doing it tomorrow.

DinahJane: uh do you think I could come with you?

Mani: but you're in the hospital DJ?

DinahJane: I'm getting out tomorrow and I just really want to go with her. I think we all should. We all have things from her.

LaurenJ: DJ's right. I agree that we should all go because it has a higher chance of getting her locked in jail.

Mani: are you guys sure about this?

DinahJane: yes. They could ignore us if we went one by one but if we all go together they can't ignore they. They can't ignore our evidence and they won't be able to sweep this under the rug. We'll have a better chance at justice if we all go together.

LaurenJ: she's right. They can't kick us all out. They'll have to believe us.

Mani: if you guys believe that this will work then I'm behind you 100%. I'll go.

DinahJane: thank you Mani.

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