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Lauren was sitting in her room with tears slowly running down her face as she thought about what she just did and how much she hated doing it. It broke her heart to say no to Dinah but unfortunately she had no choice.

"Did you do it?" Her father asked.

Lauren wiped away her tears as she looks up at Mike. "I did one. I'm working up to the second one." She spoke sadly. Mike rolls his eyes as he stands in front of her. "Lauren Michelle the longer you take to break up with those girls the longer you have to be with Camila," he chuckles. "But honestly Lauren it wouldn't be that bad. She beautiful and kind, unlike those girls that you decided to date. She rich and just all around better than Dinah Jane and Normani." He said.

Lauren rolls her eyes as she shook her head. "The only reason I'm doing this is because you promised to give me enough money to pay for mom's treatment. Don't think that I'm going to fall in love with her because honestly I don't even know the girl." She says.

"But you could know me."

Hearing the girl's voice Lauren rolled her eyes. "Nope. I'm only doing this to help my mom." She said. Camila chuckled as she walked over to Lauren and locked her arm with Lauren's. "You know in order to get the money you have to make us believable to the press or Mike here won't give it to you." She explained. Lauren rolled her eyes. "I know and I don't need you explaining shit to me." She snaps. "Unless you absolutely have to be together don't talk to me unless it's absolutely necessary." With that said she storms out.

Camila rolled her eyes as she looks up at Mike. "Are you sure this will work?" She asked. Mike nods "I'm positive. She just needs to get to know you more." He said. "Once she knows you there's no doubt that Lauren will fall in love with you."


LaurenJ: Normani can we talk?

Mani: uh sure Lauren. What's up?

LaurenJ: I want to break up.

Mani: what? Why?

LaurenJ: because I'm bored in this relationship. I'm tired of being your second choice to Dinah and you not spending time with me because you're always off with her. I know I said I would never make you choose between us and I'm not. So I'm making the choice for you and I'm ending this relationship.

DinahJane: Lauren are you serious right now?

LaurenJ: yeah I am.

AllyB: don't you think you're being a little harshly Lauren?

LaurenJ: sometimes the truth is harsh but it needs to be said. This is how I feel.

Mani: if that's how you feel then I guess we're over.

LaurenJ has left the chat.

DinahJane: Mani are you ok baby?

Mani: no I just got my heartbreak and I'm extremely confused as to where she's coming from but unfortunately I can do nothing but respect her choice.

AllyB: so that's it? You and Lauren are over.

Mani: looks like it Allyson.

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