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LaurenJ: hey guys.

AllyB: Lauren! You're back.

Mani: how are you feeling babe?

LaurenJ: I'm fine but I was wondering if you guys could come over.

DinahJane has left the chat.

AllyB: ?

Mani: 😔

LaurenJ: did I miss something?

Mani: no Lo. I'll be over as soon as I can.

AllyB: yeah me too.


Nobody: are you still keeping up our agreement?

LaurenJ: yes but I've had to change things so they don't get suspicious again.

Nobody: that's understandable but remember neither of them can know.

LaurenJ: of course.


Nobody: so are you keeping up?

Mani: yes I've been doing everything you've said. However now Dinah want talk to me.

Nobody: in the long run that will be a good thing. Once she's gone I'll leave you alone. You just have to keep pushing her away.

Mani: do I have to? Are you sure that there's nothing else that you want instead?

Nobody: either you push her away or I hire a few men to kill her.

Nobody: it's your choice.

Mani: I guess I'm doing this then.

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