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Chat between Laurmani.

Mani: Lo I know you're mad but I really think you should talk to DJ.

LaurenJ: yeah, not happening. After what she did I'm pretty content not talking to her ever again.

Mani: so what about us? You know I'm still dating both of you and this really hurts knowing that you guys are fighting the way you are.

LaurenJ: Normani I will never make you choose between us because I'm not that type of person, but you have to understand that Dinah Jane hurt and I will never forgive her for that.

Mani: and I know how adamant you are about not talking to her but I really think that you should at least hear her out.

Mani: and I'm not saying that you have to forgive her right away but I really think you should at least hear her side.

LaurenJ: maybe one day when I get passed the hurt I'll consider talking to her.

Mani: and that's all I wanted. Thank you.

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