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Logan stood in the door frame.. tears built up..

E- Hi..
L- Hey..

He stepped out and he also had some tears too. We hugged and I cried onto his shoulder.

?- Logan!? Is everything ok?

We pulled back and I saw Chloe running to the door. She immediately froze when she saw me..

C- Rik..

She ran up to me and we hugged tight, both of us crying.

We walked in and Logan got me a water.. we all sat on the sofa..

L- So.. what brings you here? *smiles*
E- Well.. if I'm being honest.. I missed you guys.. seriously so much
C- We missed you too *smiles*

I looked down and then back up at them..

E- I saw Jake.. just 2 months ago.. at the reunion
L- Oh shit.. how was it?
E- Um.. *tears up* we didn't talk that much.. but then I had another Rocky episode and he came over..
C- What happened?
E- Well.. we went to my room and got changed.. we hugged and Jake said he was still madly in love with me..
L- He is *smiles*
E- I said I was still crazy in love with him too *tear falls*
C- Awww

I heard a shout..

?- Dada!

Logan chuckled and got up, running upstairs.

I looked at Chloe and she looked at me..

E- You had the baby *smiles*
C- Yeah *smiles* a girl

A tear fell..

C- Her names Mikey *smiles*

I covered my face with my hands..

Soon later Logan came down with her..

Mi- Dada!
L- Shhhh

He kissed her forehead and he came and sat next to me..

L- Wanna hold her?

I nodded with a small smile on my face..

Logan handed her to me.. I lay her down on my things.. She looked up at me and giggled. Tears fell down my cheeks..

E- Hey

I held her little hands and she gripped my pinky.

C- Aww *giggles*

Logan took her back and Chloe went to feed her. We talked and soon after Chloe came back after putting Mikey down.

C- So.. you wanna talk about it?
E- Um.. yeah.. I've actually not done that with anyone apart from Jake.. so..
C- What would he have been called?
E- Um..

I smiled and a tear rolled down my cheek..

E- I wanted to call him Joseph.. after Jake
C- Aw..
E- But Jake wanted to call him Jax, so we were torn *giggles*

I wiped my tears and Logan then spoke up..

Lost Without You | SEQUEL TO HIS GIRL |Where stories live. Discover now