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After nearly an hour. I saw an ambulance pull up. I jumped out and followed them. The paramedics ran in with a stretcher and 5 minutes later came out with the stretcher.. Jake laying down and Zoey on his chest.. her arms around his neck. I mentally screamed and fell to the ground.

A cop took my car for me as I got in the ambulance because they wouldn't let me drive because of the state I was in. I sat next to them. Zoey was bleeding.. bruises everywhere. Jake the same.. his hands were swollen.. busted nose.. busted lip..

I held his hand and we soon arrived at the hospital. They quickly got them in and I went to the waiting room to find our families..

P- Honey you were right..

They all ran over and hugged me. I cried hard..

It's been 5 hours.. The doctors have just been walking past the room about a hundred times.. Until..

Dr- Jake Paul and Zoey Paul?

We all got up and walked over..

Dr- Zoey is.. ok.. she's a little sick from the toxins in the building.. but some medication and she's be 100% by the end of the week

(It's Wednesday)

E- Thank god *tears up*
Dr- Um.. Jake..

He looked at his clipboard and then back up at us..

Dr- Jake was badly hurt.. badly.. hurt.. he broke his knuckles, damaged his nose, sprained his ankle, he has fluid in his lungs, probably from a hit.. and so.. we have had to put Jake in a coma..

I collapsed to the ground.. I wasn't crying.. I was frozen.. Jakes family was crying.. My dad was trying to get me up.. but I couldn't move..

After I had gotten up.. I had a mental breakdown for an hour.. yeah..

I went and saw Zoey.. she was asleep just now. My family stayed with her and I went to see Jake.. his family is already there. I walked in and they were all crying. I walked over, sat down and grabbed his hand.

I just cried.. and I cried hard.. Logan wrapped his arm around me and I hugged him tight.. Eventually everyone began leaving.. I couldn't.. neither could my mom and Pam. They're obsessed with Zoey.. so they stayed with her.. I stayed with Jake.

I grabbed the spare blanket and pillow from the cupboard in this room and I sat in a ball on the chair... staying next to Jake and not moving the whole night..

Lost Without You | SEQUEL TO HIS GIRL |Where stories live. Discover now