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"Honey, what happened to your face?" My mom asked worriedly running to get the first aid box from the shelf.

"Oh, it's nothing mom." I said trying to hide the wounded part of my face that was already turning red-blue and started walking fast towards my room. I didn't want to talk about it because I knew I'd lie.

I opened the door to my room as my Mum followed me quickly. She is always making a mountain out of an anthill. I sat on my bed as she poured some disinfectant on a piece of cotton and wiped my face softly looking me directly in my eyes hoping I'd tell her what's bothering me.

"If you want to talk about it I'm right here, Jewel," she said. I could see it clearly in her hazel eyes,the hope that I'd say even a single word.

"Mom, I said it's nothing. I tripped and fell. That's it." I raised my voice at her.

I've never done that to her before and sincerely speaking, I shouldn't have behaved like that. I was now trying to push everyone away just because of someone else's mistake.

She stood up slowly and walked out of my room. I could see how hurt she was and you have no inkling how sad I felt.

But I'll make it up to her. I thought.

I locked the door to my room and cried myself to sleep. I had never thought that he'd do such a thing to me.

My days had started getting better the day we made things between us official. I have grown up knowing him for as long as I can remember. We attended the same schools and still made it to the same college.

He is the person I was so sure had my back in situations and times when no else did.

My weekends in highschool could never been memorable if he wasn't there and I would never love coffee if it wasn't for him. Him and his dimpled chin, his so beautifully structured torso. Not even once had I thought that he would be that anchor I always needed.

I hated his girlfriend back then though I couldn't show it. Don't judge me but the day things blew out of proportion between them,is the same day my world got filled with stars for the night and colours for the day.

Everything was bliss but it's like we got off the wrong foot and it was starting to show. It's been two months since we switched from being best friends to lovers if at all that's the correct word.

The past two months had been the best months of my whole life. Feeling all loved and cherished is the least you can always ask for in this cruel world.

Am the type of girl when given the tittle "girlfriend" needs to be given all the attention and affection a "boyfriend" can offer. And he was for sure offering it fully until today.

I have at some point ever thought of him being my my soulmate or something like that. Either way I knew I would be so happy if he is the one I'd spent the rest of my life with.

He matches everything in me perfectly. He got the same energy as me when it comes to certain silly things you all do with your silly adorbs boyfriends.

The thought that I was about to lose all that made me cry even more and louder. My eyes became red and my head started aching. I couldn't even be able to stand and respond to the knock at the door.

"Jewel are you alright," I heard a voice on the other side.

It was Tasha. My now Bestfriend. I guess my Mum called her to come over and talk to me after she knocked desperately on my door and I didn't open. She is again worried and shows how much she cared even after being so rude to her.

I have the best Mum in the whole world. Agree it or not. That's a sure bet.

I laid down and tried to catch some sleep so as to get rid of the headache and get the energy to open the door.
"How did you get in here and the door was locked?" I asked Tasha in disbelief.

"Your Mum has a spare key to your room,"...." So that's how I got in here.

She added making a very funny face hoping I'd laugh.

" You got us so worried after we knocked for thousands times and you were not responding. "She continued talking as she helped me sit.
" For how long have I been sleeping?, I asked her changing the 'we were worried' part.
"Four hours and some minutes".Tasha said staring at me.

Four hours was long enough to make the headache go but my heart still felt the same. So cold and empty.

I took my phone and looked at it hoping to get a notification message from him reading how sorry he was but unfortunately there was none.

" it's him right?," Tasha asked sounding so sure.
"Yeah, I said bursting out again in tears.

Didn't want to talk about it but whoa!..that's my Bestfriend and couldn't hide it from her. We talked over it but ended up having a huge argument that I chased her out .

" I know there is a lot going on with you right now but pushing away people who care isn't going to solve anything. " she had said that angrily before walking out.

I also don't know why I am overreacting because I am usually not like this. Maybe that's how beginners at love behave when they get there first heartbreak. It really hurts a lot.

Or maybe I did something wrong that pissed him off?.I tried to think why he could have done that but got no reasons why.

I stood up, pushed my chair next to the dressing mirror and got a close look at myself as I nurse the injured part of my face carefully.

I touched the wounded part with the tips of my hand and felt the pain led all the way down to my legs. What on earth did I do to deserve all this?.

I needed to put my shit together and let everything go. I need to make things right with my Mum and Tasha before I loose them too.

I walked out of my room and went straight to the kitchen to make some juice.

I took a sip of it as I sat next to my Mum smiling sheepishly at her.

She smiled back genuinely and grabbed me to her arms.

"Let it go" she said to me holding me tight this time.

Let it go kept crossing my mind all over and over again.

Letting go has never been my option on him but this time is different. I swore.

It's now about time I know my worth.

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