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My journal.              14/04/21
No matter how good we try to be, some triggers in life will always awaken the dark side of us,

And when it does, it overtakes everything and this not only scares the people around us but also our own selves because you don't like what you are becoming but also can't control it.

You dwell on it and as days pass by you dive in deep  to this new person you are becoming and get obsessed. You don't see good in people and things anymore.

You forget  what being good means and start viewing the world in another whole different level. You delete memories and immediately your shoulders are burdened with anger and hate.

About everything in particular.

Ruining good things and damaging souls become your new favorite hobby. So bad that you don't even think of how nasty  the consequences will be.

You just want to see how far it will go.

How cruel you can be.

How happy you'll get when they suffer.

Grace leaves you and slowly you become cold.

At this very moment I knew what I exactly  wanted. I had a plan.

A motive

You don't ruin people lives and expect them to forgive you and things get back to how they were. Like you did nothing at all.

Every action whether good or bad has a price and so everyone must pay.

For their own damned sins.

And just like every pyschopathic being living on the face of this earth. The law has always been to have a plan.

You wouldn't want dig someone's grave and end up being buried instead. You've got to lure them first .

And the most important thing that they probably never told you is that you shouldn't under any circumstances trust anyone.

Always work alone.

Keep everything low key and be so freaking kind at first until they earn your trust and then when they are most vulnerable, you attack.

When they least expect it.

You don't have to understand why I am doing this and I don't need you to but it's something that I just have to do.

He did me bad and now tables have changed and you can't blame me for wanting to get my even.


Brett's POV

The whole class was quiet as they walked in. I didn't expect her to be back so fast but I was glad she did.

She probably hate me to the core right now after what I caused. What she went through was all my fault and if i could do anything to turn all that around I would.

Guilt was killing me day by day.

She is most probably the most important thing that I could ever have and I ruined all that by my selfishness and pride.

I don't expect her to forgive me or get back with me but I'll try my best.

I'll give it all that I can. I want to be there for her  during her healing process.

I want her to know that we got this.

That we are in it together.

There were no extra seats left apart from the one next to mine. She walked slowly to where it was and dragged it away to where her best friend was seated.

All this while I was looking at her trying to read her face hoping I'll sneak out what was growing through on her mind but I couldn't.

It was blank. And pale.

It was like she wasn't thinking.

Like I wasn't even there.

I felt so invisible.

I didn't expect her to sit beside me and also, why would she do that anyway.

I gave her the worst and no doubt that she will never look at me the same.

If only she knew how sorry I am.

With all this going through my mind the unexpected happen and she looked my way.

My heart raced I thought I'll die of heart attack. I smiled at her not knowing what to do.

I was all tensed. My god, what am I doing.

This is so weird and foolish.

She smiled back with no facials at all.

Should I be scared?.

I immediately switched contacts with her and glued them to my phone my whole body trembling.


Okay that was creepy Jewel.

It was like I was seeing another whole different person. Normally her eyes would brighten up when she smile and this would inturn lighten up her face.

But no.

Not this time.

Or maybe I'm just overthinking things. I mean, if I were in her shoes I bet I would have reacted and behaved different.

Worse infact.

I wouldn't even managed to stretch a smile let alone come to school.

She is strong and that's one of the things I loved about her. She always get better and she will again.

If only she let me.

And I hope she will because I am so desperate.


Jewel's POV.

What the actual fuck is going on here.

I'm surprised he still has the guts to look at me.

I smiled wickedly at him and I bet that scared him.

He should. For sure.

But I'm glad he is showing interest because now I don't have to lure him anymore.

He'll be digging his own grave.

Oh, this makes me happy.

So freaking happy.


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