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"You are my best friend yet I don't know anything about your love life,Is there anyone you are seeing?."

"Nope,It's just me ." Tasha answered  turning her face away.

"You mean there is no one who interests you?, come their's gotta be someone. I promise I won't tell." I grabbed her by the shoulder softly and tickle her hand.

"What if it's you?. She asked me now looking direct in my eyes.

I was shocked and frightened at the same time. She looked serious as hell. I slowly got my hands off her still looking at his blue beautiful eyes.

She chuckled softly and said." Am kidding don't get so tensed.  I might have eyes for girls but wouldn't want to date you. You such a sturbon and unpredictable piece of lovely shit.

Ouch!that hurts and still felt sweet at the same time. Like how did she know how to twist her words.
Saying some deep hurtful words then neutralizing with some dope ass lines such that you can't have nothing on her rather than just smile.

But still I couldn't believe it. It's not like I am judging her but Tasha being gay is the least I expected. Apart from my Mum she was the most beautiful girl I think I have ever seen. With or without make up she made heads turn. Her shiny black hair made me envied her and  hate my own. She had a slim thick figure that turned off men in school. She had everything every man could ask for. Leave alone her unique personality.

She just had it all.

"Do I look like I am tensed?, not at all." I said trying to hide all the tension behind my fake laugh. I knew she couldn't buy it but still laughed anyways.

"Geez, I have known you almost all my life. I know all  reactions." She laughed as she pushed herself closer to me. She then started.

" I know you never expected  that from me but it's who I am. How many times do you think I've tried settling for a relationship and it never worked?. Don't judge me but I have ever dated Max and Josh. " She chuckled.

Max and Josh are twins. We are on the same school it's just that they are ahead of us by one class.

Those two might be the cutest dudes in school but have the ugliest personality I wouldn't want to talk about. They are the hit and run type of boyfriends. Never setting with one girl. I had once had rumours that one of them was gay but I wasn't concerned because that was so far from being any of my business. I just find them disgusting.

"No! Why would I judge you for being who you are?. If that is what makes you happy then it's the same for me. I mean what's the point of being friends if we can't have each others back?."

I hugged her trying not to be so close to her as before.

"Awwww...thanks buddy. I love you to the moon and back." She said still in my arms.

"So who is this lucky girl?", I asked her pulling out myself from her arms and rubbing the palms of my hands waiting for some hot deets.

This was getting interesting.

"Bridget is cute but she has a boyfriend apparently. so I wouldn't bother, Milly is a weirdo and doesn't look like she is into girls so it's a no for her, Jess is way too tall for me and I want to play the dude part so that can't work and Risper....

" Come on just say her name already. "I stopped her before she could construct another meaningless sentence.

She was now on her feet and I have never heard her talking that fast. She  looked troubled and disturbed.

" Okay okay!..It's Violet".

"Wait who?," Am I hearing right?,That Lady is too damn old for her. Fine she's cute and all that but that's  our lecturer. How is she even going to approach her?, Violet is one tough lady that doesn't tolerate any sort of nonsense. Am not saying it's nonsense but to Violet, I think it is.

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