********* THIS IS BOOK TWO OF "Captured By Her"********
I highly recommend you to read the first book and then read this one.. orelse it won't make any sense.. !.. you will end up shit confused!..😶
2nd place in romance- The water awards!
(Not done...
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Macy's POV: "Ok class. That's it for today, and before I leave let me mention you all that you will be having a midterm examination on Monday. Come prepared and all the best" our anatomy professor announces and leaves.
"Great! Now the weekend will only be spent for studying! Damn I hate this" Dan mutters under his breath, I chuckle and pat his back saying "Don't worry it will be done within no time"
He rolls his eyes and drags me towards biochemistry department. We wait for Becca until her practical is over. "So how is Emma?" I ask him. "She is fine. Will be going to pre school from next year" He says.
A smile creeps onto my face imagining my little girl in school dress. "Hey Macy?" Dan calls out. I raise my eyebrow at him. He runs hand over his face looking exhausted.
"Look I'm really sorry for what I told before the photoshoot, seriously without you I wouldn't be able to remain sane while attending college. Thank you for everything" He says. I smile and say "Don't thank me. I love Emma, and she is a beautiful gift you gave me Dan" His grin reaches his eyes and he hugs me tightly. Just then we hear someone yelling.
"Group hug!!" And Becca crashes on us. Hugging both me and Dan tightly. We laugh at her and make our way back to the apartment.
I knock the apartment door twice, I hear some shuffling around and the door clicks open. I was midway greeting Damon, but that's when I realise who it is.
"Ashley?" Becca says gritting her teeth in anger. Dan holds her back so that she doesn't pounce on her with anger. "What are you doing here?" I ask genuinely confused. Where was Damon? Are they?..
"Have some faith on him dear" my subconscious says. "Don't jump into conclusions"
"Well Damon needed me, so I came." She says shrugging and opening the door wide for us to enter.
I could feel one piece of my heart break. Without further conversation, I made my way towards my room and locked myself with books for the next 3 hours.
Lying on bed for sometime and crying my ass off for a guy who I hardly knew seemed pointless so I got my shitty emotions in check and gathered all my books and started reading. Reading made me forget all my problems for sometime. It made me feel my life isn't complicated at all.
But that beautiful moment was broken by a knock on my door. By the way it sounded I knew who it was. Is it creepy? Well.. never mind. I tried to maintain a stoic face and replied still looking down at my notes "come in".
I heard the door open slightly and he shut it quietly behind him. No words were spoken until he came and sat across me. "You can't ignore me by glaring at the same word for 3 minutes" He said chuckling to himself.
Shit! Is it that obvious?
I closed my book at little too harshly and glared at him. "What do you want Damon?" I said through gritted teeth. "What did I do to make you this angry" He asks sadness clear in his eyes.