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Seulbi's POV

The sunlight reaches to my face and i wake up slowly rubbing my eyes a little i noticed the place it was someone's bedroom i slowly get up analyzing the room. Where am i ????  whose room is it??? i then slowly getup and and walks outside the room and there i see........

Jungkook is cooking food, the morning breakfast suddenly the last night incident comes to my mind. i slowly reached there but i don't have power that i ask him something in common cause he always acts cold to me . i then slowly stand there watching him shocked..

Jk: Ohh..... you woke up, thank god

Sb: hm......i nodded

Jk: sit down there.. he commanded

i sit down on the chair slowly. he then comes with the breakfast in his hand he made some toasts , noodles and soup as he didn't know much about the cooking. He then sit on the chair next to me served me my food then starts eating his one.

i was just shocked that what is happening to me right now.

Jk: Eat it......he said eating his food.

Sb: Eh? *I didn't believe in my ears. What did he just said*

Jk: i said eat it. after it you have to take the medicines..he said while eating his meal.

Sb: ok  then i start eating my breakfast.

Sb:Can i ask you something .......?
i slowly asked to him

Jk: hmm...

Sb: where i am right now, whose place is this......??/

Jk: You are at my old apartment. he said coldly.

Sb: your apartment...but why>???

Jk: what do you mean by why...??huh. he said while getting a little angry. Do you think I will gonna leave. I will let you out. There is a thing in this world which is called Humanity.

*Really? Then where was his humanity gone when he beat me last night.* I thought and scoffed.

Sb: but. but.. why you bring me here,?? you said that now you don't want to live with me..

Jk: Do you think is it that easy...huh,  he said while fixing his gaze on me. i got in to fear again

Sb: b--but now aisha come back again and you two are happy then just please free me...

Jk: listen you ....it is not that easy understand and another thing, what will i say to mom and dad..huh....we always be a good couple in front of them also we never made any issue in front of them and other peoples ....what i will say to them.....huh.

he clenched his fists on the table clearly seen that he is angry now

Sb: th- then how much time will it take....???
i asked to him in a low-voice.

Jk: listen... it will take a little late..ok and i'm also not interested to be with you ...ok so don't remind me again and again about it. understand......i will make some issues and than i will said to mom and dad that can't adjust with each other anymore and we want divorce... so it will become easy for us to get rid of each other  and than i will marry aisha.

his words made me cry in my heart... is he that much hate me.... but i cant do anything i should have to be strong because he didn't love me  we only married for financial repayment of his company in name of my father's guilt  i should have to be normal or he will know my feelings for him completely.

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