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No one loves me...

no one, neither my family nor anyone.

didn't God make anyone in this world?

who will give me care and love



seulbi's Pov....

I wake up because of a sound in the room. I opened my eyes because of sunlight flashing my face through the large glass in the room. I sits there straight on the floor and looked up. i saw a middle-age woman was placing foods and drinks on the table.

Woman:  good morning... miss.

Sb:  w-who are you.

Woman:   me? well, my name is haejee... and Mr. Jeon. sends me here for you.

Sb:   huh?? *oh so that bastard sends her*

Woman:   miss... here are some clothes for you. Mr.Jeon asked me to give them to you. take a shower.. and then change. and please eat breakfast.

Sb:   listen... p-please can you h-help me.

Woman:   sure but about what miss?

Sb:   p-ple-ase c-can you give me y-your phone... i-i need to call my father... p-please help me, please.

she said while holding back her cries. she just expecting her to help her. all she needs is to get out of this prison. the woman looked down in a sorry.

Woman:   Sorry miss... i can't give you my phone... Mr.Jeon. strictly said not to give anything to you. except for food and clothes.

Woman: I'm really sorry miss.

the lady said and left while bowing to her. she remains on her place and then hugged her knees again and starts crying. she didn't want this. she wants to get out of here. she wants to go back to her normal life. to her friends.


Jungkook comes back to the main city in the morning as he stays all night at the hotel in order to keep an eye on the activity of that girl as if she try to escape or something. but while watching her through CCTV he has also fallen to sleep there and wakes in the morning and he found the girl still sleeping on the floor where he left her last night.

he shook his head to come out of his thoughts and come back from there after having a shower cause also sometimes he stays at his hotels so it was not a big thing for him.

when he comes back to Seoul to attend his office as he also have meetings to attend. after he got free from his work he told everything to jimin with a proud smirk on his face. but jimin got shocked while listening to him. he didn't expect from him to do this also with a girl who is a teenager.

Jm:  jungkook.. but i think you should not be done this to her... what was her mistake in that. she has not to do anything related to it. then why did you kidnap her.

Jk:   hyung... first of all she is daughter of that digger. and second i also know what i'm doing so please.

Jm:   why did you did that to her. it's not good.

Jk:   hyung, please be chill... if we hurt the most precious thing of a man, he did everything to save it... and that girl, she is his daughter he will gonna do anything which i will tell him to do.

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