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...One Year Later...

Jk: babe... Don't worry hmm. We are going hospital. You have to be strong.

He said his soothing words to Seulbi who's water just broken and now the contraction pain is killing her like the same way it killed her three years ago in Jungseul's time.

Sb: ahh.. it's hurting.

Jk: babe don't worry... Don't forget that I love you. Hmm. Just breath deeply. Okay.

She clenched his shirt tightly while he was holding her tightly in his arms securely and made his way out of the main door. Little three year old kid Jungseul got so worried to see his mamma crying and writhing in pain while holding her big tummy.

Jk: Jungseul ah... Do not go outside okay. And obey ahjumma. Appa is taking msmma to the hospital. Hmm.

JS: appa... Is mamma fine.

The little boy asked worriedly standing at the main door and jk sighed and gave a fake smile to him.

Jk: yes baby... Mamma is fine. Don't worry Appa is taking her to hospital. Don't do anything silly behind me. And ahjumma please take care of him. I will inform you when we reach hospital.

He said to the old lady who is standing just behind Jungseul with a worried look.

CheoHa: Don't worry Mr.jeon. please just take care of Mrs. Jeon.

She said and jk left the home hurriedly as the pain for her is becoming unbearable with every other second. He carried her to the car and opened the door with a little difficulty and made her sit gently there and rushed towards the driver's seat.

He started the engine and drive the car but his eyes were going on her time to time. He held her palm with his left hand securely and focused on the road.

Jk: don't worry babe... You have to be strong.

Sb: ahh it's hurting...

She cried out again when she felt another contraction. She tucked her lower lip between her teeths preventing her to wail more. But still it was hurting like hell. Jk fastened the speed of the car when he again saw her crying.
He dialled Jimin's number and out the phone on speaker.

JM: what happened...

Jk: I'm taking seulbi to hospital. She is having labor pain.

JM: what... Okay we are also comming.

Jk: hm..

He said and hanged the call quickly and again focused on the road completely.

On the other hand, Jimin told everything to soyeon and they get ready to left for the hospital. They dropped Jaehyun in jk's house as they don't think to take their baby in the hospital. So they let the kids remain in jk's home and then went to hospital.


..After some hours..

Doc: Mrs.jeon seulbi... Please try to push again. Push!!

The Doctor said and she again breath sharply before pushing again for another time. Jk was standing behind her while holding her palm protectively.

Jk: babe remember... The way you remain strong at Jungseul's time. You have do it again. Hmm.. you are very strong love. Just focus. Hmm.

She listened to his motivational words and again tried to push. She was sweating badly. Also Jimin and soyeon were continuously hearing her painful wails from outside of the labor room.

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