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you can't be strong
all the time.

sometimes you just-
  need to be alone.

and just let your tears fall.
   you will feel light.



Mr. jeon is doing the morning walk in the park. as he always does. after walking for full fifteen minutes he then sits on a bench in the park.

he drinks the water from his bottle after calming himself and about to go but someone stopped him.. and he got shocked when he see the face of the guy.

???:   long time no see Mr. jeon..

Mr. jeon:  y-you.. w-what are you doing here..

???:   well looks like you forget me.. Mr. jeon.

Mr. jeon:  cause you didn't did anything which makes you remember in my mind.

???:   oh common Mr. jeon.. what;s that way of talking to someone like that.. if that someone is your blood-related. a smirk formed on the guy's face while saying that.

Mr. Jeon:   why did you come here.. what do you want.. huh.

???:   everything.. which you gave to that bastard jungkook. the man said as he started getting angry.

Mr. Jeon:   YAHHH YOU.. OH JAE JOON... how dare you saying the name of my son from that dirty mouth of yours. huh

Jj:   ohh looks like.. you get angry.. hmm. pleasable.. very pleasable.

Mr. Jeon:  why did you come back.. huh..

Jj:   cause i want what's mine... i want all that power money which you named jungkook. it's also my right.

Mr. Jeon:   really.. are you talking about rights... then where the fuck you are three years ago when my company is about to lose.. the jungkook.. my real son.. is the one who just crossed every limit of hard work and managed to save my company.. where the fuck was you at the time.. when you have to do your responsibilities.. huh.. and Now, you are talking about rights.. huh.. you shameless man.

Jj:    DAD... he shouted at Mr. jeon as if he got angry by his words.

Mr. Jeon:   sorry to say.. but there is nothing for you.. just go and build the empire which you want to build.

Jj:   i will gonna destroy.. your full happy family Mr. jeon.

he smirked and left the park leaving mr. Jeon shocked by his last word.

Mr. Jeon:   Why the fuck.. did he come back to Seoul.. w-what if.. y-yeobo and jungkook get to know about this.. how will I gonna make clear them.

he heaved a stressable sigh and then left the park.


Seulbi's pov..

i pick those papers which he throws and left. and come inside my room. i looked at the papers while reading each line slowly. the dried tears were no more. a crazy smile found on my face thinking about that divorce papers.

Sb:  He even got ready the papers.. looks like he wants to end all this so soon. well sounds good to hear. 

she smiled like a mentally lost girl at the broken of her heart. she placed the papers on the night table side of her bed and keeps starring at them. after full 10 minutes of starring, she heaved a long sad sniffy sigh and got towards the bathroom to wash her face. as her face got all tear-stained because of dried tears.

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