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After some days....

jungkook got discharged from the hospital one day ago. so he thought of going back now and will start a new life with his wife. Jimin and soyeon also going with them back to seoul and taehyung will stay here for some more days to spend some time with ji hyun. so he will go back to seoul later.

they finally settled all their luggage in the car and ji hyun hugged seulbi for last time cause she was very happy for both of them.

Jh:  i'm so happy for you unnie. call me when you reach there okay.

sb:  i will miss you there jihyunah.

Jh:  don't worry i will come in Jimin oppa and soyeon unnie's wedding and i will also stay there for sometime with you. soon tae also arrived there where the ladies were.

Th:   yeah and don't worry... after some time she also have to live there, after we will marry. right love?

he said while winking at jihyun and she hit his chest lightly. making all of them chuckle.

Sy:  oh so you guys already final... that you will marry after my and jimin's wedding.

Th:   yeah we will.

he said and jihyun become red like a tomato there. soon Jimin and jk also arrived there. after finishing the work as they come their to call seulbi and soyeon.  Tae gave a tight side-hug to both jk and jimin.

Th:  take care dude.

Jk:   yeah don't worry... i will.

Jm:  well, when will you come back to Seoul.

Th:  i will come after 4 or 5 days...

Jm:  try to come soon... cause we also have to start the project.

Th:   yeah yeah... once i reach there i will final the deal... and then we will start our new project.

Jk:  okay then... enjoy here.

he said while winking at tae and he gives a thumbs up to him.

Jk:   And you pumpkin... take care of yourself okay... and don't eat too much you are gaining so much weight.

Jh:   OPPA...

she said annoying and all laughed. both jimin and jk loved to tease their sister so much. Soon after that soyeon and jk helped seulbi to sit inside the car and soyeon sit next to her. jk starts driving and jimin was next to him.

Th & Jh:   byeee..

All:  bye-bye...

soon he starts driving and left the place. while tae and jihyun were waving at them. When the car disappeared from there way and they sighed happily. after that tae looked at jihyun and asked...

Th:  sooo....

Jh:   sooo????

Th:  should we play our game.

tae asked her while smirking at her and she hit his chest again.

Jh:   control yourself till our marriage, Mr. Kim.

she said while twisted her tongue at him and ruffled his hairs and runs from there...

th:   yahh... but i can't wait to have so many children with you. listen jihyunah.

he said as he started running after her.


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