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Jimin's eyes went wide while hearing to the man. Yeah he arranged one of his man to stalk Chanhyun.

He started doubting on Chanhyun now. First he believed completely that chanhyun was on joonjae's side, but when one day he found Chanhyun crying infront of joonjae and he was just smirking.

Jimin's mind tell him that time that something was definitely going wrong. And he has to get information at any cost.

First he will get all information by his own after that he will tell about it to jk. Cause at that he didn't wanted to give him any other stress. That's why he have to do these things by his own.

JM: okay... I will come back to Seoul tomorrow. Than I will tell you what to do next.

Man: okay sir...

He said and cut the call after that. He sighed again and rubbed his temple. He looked at the time in the watch. And it was 12 of night. He shrugged his shoulders and go back to the room where his beautiful wife was already went to sleep.

Nowadays soyeon also gets tired very easily also because of her pregnancy. He smiled while looking at her sleeping figure and then lay down next to her.

He was still thinking about Chanhyun. He have to get everything back. At any cost. And now it is clear that chanhyun will definitely help him when he will ask him for that tomorrow.


Next Day....

Everyone was doing their job. Jk is in his office and seulbi and Jihyun are at hotel.

Everyone planned dinner at jk's home. Also Taehyung and Jihyun's wedding preparations started now.
They are getting married next month.
Everyone is so happy for them.

Also Jimin will make sure to make everything normal again. Cause from next week... Tae and Jihyun's wedding preparations will start completely.


Sb: well where is your mister King.

She asked jihyun teasingly while jihyun was drinking her coffee. She looked at her with a twisted eye then pouted.

JH: he went somewhere.... He will some in the evening.

Sb: oh... Then why are you so upset pumpkin.

JH: unnie please... Don't tease me like Jungkook and Jimin oppa.

She said while pouting and seulbi chuckled at her.

Sb: Aigoo... Sorry sorry... Our beautiful queen. Now tell me why are you so upset.

JH: unnie... Everything is looking so new to me.. I don't know how to react with it. Or how to handle this. I'm so damn confuse right now.

She said and seulbi sighed.. well it's a common thing for girls. Even seulbi. When she get to know about her marriage with jk. The land from her feets slipped. Also he was a complete stranger for her. Which was making her situation even worse.
But with the time everything got fixed in their own. People just have to deal with the situation and nothing else.

Also in Jihyun's case. It is a complete different thing. She already know taehyung even they both loved each other so damn much. Which is a plus point for a wedding.

She sighed and then breaked the silence.

Sb: listen... I can understand but don't worry about that okay. Everyone is with you and tae. And do you know Tae will love you even more after that. Cause after that you will become his wife. His everything.

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