Bonus chapter (1)

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Sb: Gosh Jungkook... Wake up. It's already morning.

She said out loud while combing her hair and make it hearable for jk who is now sleeping with open mouthed while tightening the pillows grips over his right ear.

Sb: Jungkook....

Jk: babe... 5 more minutes.. please.

He said in his half asleep voice. As he wanted to sleep for some more hours.
She sighed and went there. She took the pillow which is above his face and throws that side and shake him hard.

Sb: wake UP.... It's 9:am.

Jk: ahh.. so what... Babe 5 more minutes.

He said sleeping peacefully and she sighed. Till then the children come to their parents' room. They both jumped at bed and hovered over their father who is still sleeping carefree.

Jungseul hovered on his broad back while taking his head on jk's back and JungBi lay down next right to him while placing her tiny arms around her brother and father.

JB: ppa... Good morning.

She said cutely and he smiled even in his sleep. He nodded and continued. Both brother and sister pouted and looked at their mamma who is also pouting.

Till then a sudden smirk come on her face and she whispered something in both kids ear. The kids smiled and nodded and lay down back. JungBi winked at mamma and Jungseul gave her a Thumbsup.



they both shouted on his ear and he quickly got up from his deep slumber while Shouting making everyone laugh their so hard. Seulbi sit down on the couch while gripping her stomach while laughing at jk's reaction. He stopped shouting out loud when he saw everyone's face there.

All were laughing there so hard while seeing their father shouting like a little terrified puppet.

Jk: You both seriously... Come here... Come here...

He said as he got up from the bed while running behind the kids who left the room while giggling. He turned around while scratching his head and sighed and his eyes fell where she was. Still laughing at him.

He gave her a tiger death glare and she gulped down like a scarry cat. She control her laugh and got up from the couch ready to leave the room. But he grabbed her wrist and pulled her hard making her collapse with his hard chest.

Jk: what are you think you were doing. Wifey. Hmm.

Sb: Sorry... But you was really funny like a scarry puppet. Omg

She said and again burst out laughing hard making him look at her dumbfounded.
He rolled his tongue inside his cheek and again pulled her hard making her laugh vanish and he smirked.

Jk: don't you think you are being too much naughty nowadays. should daddy punish this Kid also. Hmm.

He said more like whispering in a husky voice while squeezing her waist. She can feel her heartbeats going rapid she looked down. He smirked and pulled her hard.

Jk: now daddy will gonna punish you.

He said and she look up at him.

Sb: Jungkook oven exploded again.

She shouted and he looked around.

Jk: where.....

He asked curiously and she let go of his hold and poked her tongue at him which he understands quickly.

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