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After that joonjae left with everyone. Cause he gave them time till tomorrow's noon.
After that everyone was sitting in a room discussing about the matter. Seulbi made jungseul sleep in his crib.
And then went back to the room where everyone was.

Jk was sitting on the bed's edge while Jimin was on the couch. Jk was do depressed now. His everything get away. He lost his every property. Now what will he gonna do. How will he take care of his family.

On the other hand Mr.Jeon was just sitting on the couch with his head hung low in the guilt.
Mrs.Jeon is so damn angry but because of the situation she have to be control herself.

Soyeon placed her hand on seilbi's hand giving her a assure that everything will be fine.
After a while Jimin break the silence.

JM: that bastard!! How fucking dare he... How did he did that.

Jk: it's all because of me hyung.. I shouldn't believe that chanhyun that easily.

Mrs.jeon: Enough!!!

She said while everyone looked at her in a shock. She sighed and looked at her husband who even can't show his face to his wife.

Mrs.jeon: if you want me to see alive. Then for god's sake tell me why did that guy call you dad.

She asked with angry yet glossy eyes. After a SD sigh Mr.Jeon thought to tell his family everything which happens in his past.

Mr.Jeon: I will tell you all everything. I know it's my mistake that I didn't told you earlier about this. I know I am a very bad husband and father. I know it.

He said sadly and everyone looked at him. Also jk cause he wants to know about his dad's past because of which he is paying today.
After a sigh Mr.jeon continued...

Mr.jeon: It was some thirty years ago when I just completed my study. There was a girl who was my classmate. After the graduation I get a very good job. After it I started living happily. One day that girl who is Yeonah called me.
I get there to meet her as a person. She smiled while seeing me and I also smiled.

Mr.jeon: she come to me and hugged me. I was shock. But then she pulled herself and proposed me. I was so shocked that I didn't find any answer to tell her.
She told me her every feeling inside her heart. I was shocked but I have to tell her cause I never see her as a girl. I only see her as a good friend nothing else.

Mr.jeon:  I then tried to tell her in a normal that I didn't like her as a girl. Cause I never did. The girl whom I like as a girl at that time was your mom jungkookah.

He said and all looked at him. Mrs.jeon's expression also changed for a second while hearing her husband's word. After that he continued again.

Mr.jeon: I told her that I didn't like her and I can't accept her proposal cause I am already someone else's. And I am soon to be marry her.
She got shocked after that. She held my arms and try to stop me from going with her pleadings.
She told me that she loved me. But as a human I try to convey her.

Mr.jeon: I told her in a soft way and get back from there. I didn't know that what she was thinking about me when I left her. But I feel pity for her. But the fact is that I can't do anything cause I already love someone else.
Who is your mom.

Mr.jeon: After one year. I settled down and me and your mom married each other. We started living our life happily. I started earning enough to fulfill her wishes. I was the luckiest one cause I married your mom.
After one year you come in our life. And our family got completed. I started investing in my own business. Soon my business reached the highness I was very happy. Cause I have everything... A beautiful wife and a son. Which I wanted.

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