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  I don't know what killing me more..

facing you or,

not seeing you..



More than one week passed... seulbi is getting better day by day.. now she recovered fully.. she can walk properly and all she wants to live her normal life again. going outside, want to feel light-minded, talk to her friends and so on. also, mom and dad is leaving today in the evening... well she is feeling so sad like she didn't want to go them. she wants to stay with them more. but they come here for only one week but, they stayed more because of her injury but she is fully fine now so, they are leaving as they also have their works and life.

and for jungkook... he really started caring for her.. he didn't show it to her but, he does. for the whole week, he didn't let her do anything. he helped her every time without letting her know or with mom's help.

he didn't even know his own that why he is doing all that but, he does. well he managed both company and house in very good way. all the things went up so easily. and now it's time to repeat the things which held in the past again. dad and mom make the whole week very enjoyable for seulbi. also, the four of them spend very lovable moment with each other.


Mom:    we will miss you so much dear.. she said while hugging her daughter in law. she felt like she is sad but she knows that seulbi is very strong girl.

Sb:    me too mom.. she said as they broke the hug with a smile.

Mom:   take care of your leg and don't stress too much. okay.

Sb:    yess, i will mom. and you and dad also too.

Mom:   and be always happy. i know it's hard for you but trust my son is not a bad  person. he just did that because of the circumstances in wich you both married. and i know that you will do it. you will make him fall for you because of your all honesty and nature. i know that you are a very strong person seulbi.

after her last words, seulbi felt a lump inside her throat. she wants to cry so badly. cause she know that this will never will happen cause he loves someone else. and when they will manage everything he will divorce her and live with his true love. he never loved her. he never did. how can she make him fall for her. *i'm sorry mom i wish i can make your wish true*

and she also knows that the whole game will over in just after few more days. when aisha will be back.  she come back from her thoughts and then-

Sb:   yess mom i will. she facked a smile after that and mom and dad patted her back and head then left the home with jungkook who is waiting outiside for them to drove them off. and then he will go to the office.

Dad:   ok seulbiyahh. so take care of yours.. okay.

Sb:   yes dad.. and be a safe journey. she wished and then they left while waving fully happily to her after they drove she then closed the main door and come back inside and sit on the couch heaving a sad sigh.


after leaving his mom and dad he comes to the office and starts looking at his work.  he called his secretary for today's schedules.

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