Melissa twirled the silver blade in her hand, running her fingers over the encrusted black diamonds on the handle as she watched her father pace in front of her. Lucas sat in his cousin's car outside, waiting for her to come out and tell him what the final decision would be. She wanted to join the circus. She wanted to help her father. If this was the only way she could, then she'd happily do so.
Her father stood by the sink, fixing himself a mug of tea. "No," he stated.
"Why not?"
"School comes first. You need to graduate from high school, and if this is what you'll still want to do with your life, then I'll support you. But you are finishing high school first."
"I don't know if I'll be able to."
"You're going to graduate."
"I'm at a sixty percent right now in Literature. I don't think I'll be passing any time soon. Summer school is looking more and more like a reality, and we cannot afford it. Not with where we're at financially."
"We'll figure something out."
"I have." She walked up to her dad and placed her hands on his shoulders. Gently coaxing him away from the sink, she led him to the kitchen table and sat down with him. "Please, just hear me out."
Ryan dragged the dead rogue back to the woods, allowing his neighborhood watch patrol to take care of the rest of the scene. Lifeless red eyes stared up at him as he pounced away, running back to his house. The moment he stood on his lawn, he shifted before walking inside. Theo stood by the door, holding out his clothes from the car.
"I'm sorry I wasn't able to help out."
Ryan grabbed his shoulder and kissed the top of his head. "You're still working on strengthening your wolf. You did the right thing by calling me."
"But what about your date?"
"I'll head over to her place and talk to her."
"And tell her what?"
Ryan stopped unfolding his shirt as he went to put it on. What was he supposed to say to her? He left their date and claimed to have a family emergency. She'd wonder if everything was okay with Theo and his parents. They were all fine, as his parents didn't shift anymore unless it was for a wolf ceremony. Theo just turned eighteen, so he was in the midst of growing accustomed to his wolf. He needed to be trained before doing any combat. And with the rogues creeping close to their home, it was his job as head of the house to take care of his family and keep them safe. He was needed at home to protect them. Staying with his mate was not an option while she was currently safe.
"We need to come up with a story," he answered, slipping his shirt on over his head. "We could always say mom passed out and needed to be taken to the hospital. And since I had the car, I needed to take her."
"She'd wonder why we didn't call an ambulance."
"Saving money?"
"She's seen the house," he deadpanned. "She'd think we're cheap and get pissed off."
"Okay, we'll say a pipe burst and that I needed to-"
"Mechanic. Or plumber."
Ryan groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Panic attack? Someone had a panic attack?"
"Or you could tell her the truth."

If I Were Allowed To Love You
Hombres LoboSince Melissa was born, she's never missed her aim. No matter where she aims one of her daggers or knives, she never misses her target, just like every other woman in her lineage. Being a champion knife thrower, Melissa has been ostracized from her...