Chapter 3

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 We stood on the landing as the twins lowered an extendable ear towards the closed door.

"If anyone has a right to know, it's Harry. If it wasn't for Harry we wouldn't even know Voldemort was back," I heard Sirius say

"He's not a child Molly,"

"But he's not an adult either. He's not James, Sirius," Molly replied

"Well, he's not your son," Sirius retorted.

"He's as good as," Molly sassed back.

"Who else has he got?" Someone asked as Ginny came over

"Hey Ginny," I greeted.

"He's got me," Sirius said

"How touchingly paternal, Black. Perhaps Potter will grow up to be a felon, just like his godfather," The voice of Snape drawled out making us look at each other.

"Now, you stay out of this, Snivellus," Sirius hissed.

"Snape's part of the order?" I whispered.

"Git," Ron replied. Just then Hermione's cat Crookshanks decided to start chewing on the ear

"Get off it," George hissed


"Get it up," Fred replied.

"Crookshanks, leave it alone," Hermione quietly called down

"Get off, you bloody cat," Ron hissed

"Get it up," George said again as the cat pulled the ear off the string and walked away with it in its mouth.

"Hermione, I hate your cat," Ron sighed frustratedly.

"Bad Crookshanks," Hermione sighed.

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