Chapter 6

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Aurora's POV

I was sat cross-legged on the couch with a book, Crookshanks on my left spread out across the floor near the roaring fire and Hermione on my right also sucked into a book. I sighed and closed my book, looking at my watch

"He'll be alright Rory," Hermione smiled softly at my concerned expression.

"I know but he should be back by now. I can't imagine a school year without him, especially considering I've just found out he's my brother," I replied fiddling with a strand of my recently shortened hair.

"Cleared of all charges!" I heard the unmistakable voice of Arthur Weasley ring out through the house. I shot out of my seat just as they were entering the kitchen.

"So everything's fine?" I asked with a hopeful smile.

"Yes, everything is fine," Harry replied smiling.

"Oh thank Merlin," I sighed in relief giving him a hug.

"Oh how wonderful Harry! Celebratory dinner tonight," Mrs Weasley clapped her hands happily.

Before dinner, I was sitting next to Harry and Hermione with the twins, Ron and Ginny opposite us. Harry had been telling us about his trial and Dumbledore.

"I'm sure it's just because he had places to be," Hermione shrugged.

"He is a very busy man Harry, plus term will be starting up again soon," I added.

"Yeah, don't worry mate," Ron agreed.

"I mean it's Dumbledore, he's got quite a soft spot of ya Harry," George shrugged

"Yeah, he'll let you braid his beard when we go back hopefully," Fred chuckled.

"Oh shut up you two," Ginny sighed, making me giggle.

"Don't listen to those two idiots Harry," I said.

"Dinner time," Molly called from the kitchen.

"Let's not worry about it now," Hermione said standing up and placing her book on the couch.

"Hermione's right Harry," I said sitting down and spooning some mashed potato onto my plate.

"I suppose so," Harry shrugged grabbing a Yorkshire pudding. Our last night at the house was filled with laughter, eating and just general fun. Even Harry eventually forgot about his troubles for the evening as Moody told us stories about his auror days. By the end of the evening, my stomach was filled completely as was everyone else's I was sure.

"That was delicious, thank you, Molly," Tonks yawned. There were murmurs of agreement and Molly smiled before waving her wand and clearing everything away.

"Have you children got everything ready for tomorrow?" She asked before we headed to bed.

"I think so, I mean the boys knowing them will have left everything until the last minute," I answered.

"Hey!" the twins objected and I gave them a look

"So if I went up there, everything and I mean everything would be ready for the morning?" I sassed. They mumbled and that was all I needed.

"She's right," Ron shrugged, stretching.

"Well then go pack for goodness sake!" Molly said marching the boys up the stairs, Ginny, Hermione and I shared a laugh as we too headed upstairs. We bid everyone goodnight and went to bed. 

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