Chapter 31

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*time skip*

"I know how you feel," Dumbledore started as we sat in his office

"No you don't," Harry scoffed

"It's my fault,"

"No, the fault is mine. I knew it was only a matter of time before Voldemort made the connection between you. I thought by distancing myself from you, as I have done all year he'd be less tempted, and therefore you might be more protected," Dumbledore explained

"The prophecy said: "Neither one can live while the other one survives." It means one of us is gonna have to kill the other, in the end," I said quietly.

"Yes," Dumbledore said after a moment of silence.

"Why didn't you tell us?" I asked

"For the same reason, you tried to save Sirius. The same reason your friends saved you. After all these years, after all you've suffered didn't want to cause you any more pain. I cared too much about you. The both of you,"

*time skip*

I was sitting in the Great Hall with Ron and Hermione, Harry was somewhere else I wasn't quite sure where.

"He keeps looking at you, you know," Hermione nudged me with her elbow.

"What happened between you two anyway hmmm?" I smiled for the first time in days at the thought of what had happened between Draco and me.

"Ummmm he kissed me," I laughed slightly. Ron dropped his fork and Hermione gasped

"That slimy little git-" I slapped Ron

"Shut up, he is not!" Ron rolled his eyes at me.

"He kissed you! About time, you two have had it for each other for ages. I'm so happy for you," Hermione giggled.

"Thanks, Herms," I laughed

"What does Harry think of all this?" Ron asked, stuffing his face with a chicken leg.

"I haven't told him yet. We haven't really had a chance to talk about anything normal since..." I trailed off. Hermione put her goblet down,

"Go talk to Malfoy. He seems like he's very eager to see you," I looked over to the Slytherin who looked relieved that I finally noticed him. I nodded to Hermione and stood up, gesturing for Draco to follow. He knew I would go straight to the astronomy tower so he followed a little distance behind me despite knowing where I was going. I stopped walking as soon as I got to the metal bar that overlooked the school grounds.

"Hey," He said as he came up behind me. I sighed

"Hey stranger," I gave him a small smile as I turned around to face him, he had been standing right behind me.

"How are you?" He asked

"I've been better, but I'll get there," I replied. I watched him carefully, he looked nervous and I knew why

"About what happened I'm-" I put my hand on his arm

"You have nothing to apologise for Draco," He looked worried still

"So you don't hate me because my father is....." He trailed off and looked down. Ashamed.

"I could never hate you. And you are not your father, you're not responsible for what he does. I'm actually a little grateful to him, despite the horrible things he has done he's saved my life twice now," I smiled softly at Draco.


"Yes, he was in the graveyard the night that you-know-who came back. Your dad saw me hiding and he could have given away where I was. Instead, he kept me hidden. And at the ministry he threatened another death eater for hurting me," Draco looked surprised.

"So you've known about my dad since last year and you still like me and you still let me kiss you?"

"You don't choose the family you're born into Draco," I giggled

"Plus I can't help it if your charms wore me down, it's your fault that I like you," I added.

"Ah well, my apologies for being so charming and handsome then," He smiled, finally.

"Handsome? Did I say handsome?" I asked pretending to think, Draco pretended to be offended and grabbed me by the waist and pushed me back slightly so that my back was against the cold metal bar.

"For that, I think you owe me a kiss, Potter," He said, brushing his nose against mine.

"Who made those rules," I laughed

"Me, just now," Draco replied, going in to kiss me but I stopped him.

"What does this mean to you," I asked him. He looked me straight in the eyes

"Personally I'm hoping it means that there is now only one single Potter in the school instead of two," I felt butterflies going off in my stomach

"Is Draco Malfoy asking me out?"

"He is, and he's hoping you'll say yes and be his girlfriend too," Draco nodded, suddenly looking very nervous again.

"Oh you're so cute," I laughed at his pink cheeks and I pinched them. He rolled his eyes at me and grabbed my hand away from his cheeks and intertwined it with his own.

"So is it a yes? Will you be my girlfriend?" I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from smiling but I gave up

"I think I'll go with yes," I nodded, a huge grin broke out on Draco's face

"Really?" He asked excitedly

"Yes really," I laughed at him.

"Wow, the most beautiful girl in school agreed to be mine," He smiled. I blushed and looked over my shoulder

"You still owe me that kiss you know," I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"Just the one?" I asked

"You can give me more than one if you like," He then rested his forehead against mine and gently leaned in, placing his lips firmly on my own. I relaxed against him and slid my hands into his hair. He pulled away

"I really like kissing you," He grinned

"Well, that's lucky because I like you kissing me too," I laughed.

"Come on, breakfast," I grabbed his hand and went to walk down the stairs

"You are my breakfast," Draco winked. I laughed and went bright red

"In your dreams lover boy,"

"For now yes," He grinned mischievously. I rolled my eyes and smiled to myself at him as we continued down the steps to the great hall. 

Draco Malfoy *5th Year*Where stories live. Discover now