Chapter 19

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The train ride back to Hogwarts was a loud one, full of students catching up again and sharing stories. I rubbed my eyes as I read my book in the dim carriage light while Harry and Ron slept, Hermione returned from the bathroom and sighed as she sat down beside me with her legs tucked underneath herself.

"You'll never guess who I was ambushed by as I was walking back here," She whispered quietly, pulling her book out.

"I don't want to know," I shook my head.

"He was asking about you," Hermione replied.

"Oh really? He didn't think to ask me himself?" I scoffed. Hermione shrugged and went back to stroking Crookshanks who she had let out of his cage.

"He's getting suspicious, I don't know how much longer I can keep him at bay," I said after a while.

"I still think you should at least talk to him," Hermione replied.

"Hermione, you know if I do that he'll be able to tell I'm lying. I don't know how he does it but he just knows," I sighed.

"Well you need to do something and soon. It seems to be his way when you don't talk for a while he corners you until it's all sorted out," Hermione said pointedly.

You're right, you always are. I just don't want to say something that might completely ruin everything. I've got enough to worry about as it is and I don't need falling out with Draco to become one of them," I flipped over the page in my book and continued to read as we neared the looming towers of Hogwarts.

At dinner that night, I could feel his eyes burning a hole into my skull, I sighed and brought my eyes over to where he was seated at the Slytherin table. He gave me a look that signalled he wanted to speak to me, I nodded reluctantly and continued to eat my dinner, a small ball of worry growing once again in the pit of my stomach.

"I'll catch you up," I waved to Hermione as I noticed the bright blonde hair of Draco Malfoy waiting patiently for me behind a pillar.

"Good luck," She gently smiled knowing what was happening. I puffed out my cheeks and hesitated before walking over to the tall Slytherin.

"Hello Draco," I quietly greeted.

"I'm sorry," He smiled sadly. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion

"For what?" I asked.

"For the way, I acted at the end of term," he then sighed and continued

"Look, I know you're up to something and that you're friends are in on it. Whatever it is, Umbridge is stopping at nothing to put an end to it. I just wanted to warn you because the last thing I want is for you to get in trouble and get hurt," I watched him carefully as he fidgeted with his robes.

"I don't like keeping things from you Draco but I just can't tell you what is going on, especially seeing as you're part of her 'Inquisitorial Squad'. I appreciate the heads up though," I smiled softly at him as he relaxed.

"I was terrified all break that you wouldn't want to hear me out," He chuckled breathily and leaned casually against the pillar. I shook my head and smiled to myself.

"So we're okay?" He asked me looking hopeful. I let out a laugh

"Of course we are Draco, do you honestly think I could go a day without talking to you?" He grinned and slung his arm over my shoulder and we began to walk. He suddenly looked nervous.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, I uh, just had something that I wanted to ask you," I stopped walking and turned to face him

"What do you want to ask me?" I didn't know why but my stomach suddenly erupted into butterflies and I tried to ignore it and focus on the nervous boy in front of me.

"Don't look so nervous Draco," I let out a small giggle at his expression.

"Okay here goes," He took a deep breath.

"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me on the next weekend trip?" My mouth dropped open and a blush sprang to my cheeks

O-on like uh a d-date?" I whispered. His cheeks went equally as pink, if not more

"If that's okay with you, I get it if you don't...just forget I ask-" He rambled and went to walk away, but I cut him off and grabbed his arm. Stopping him in his tracks

"I'd love to go to Hogsmeade with you," he looked at me in surprise

"You would?" He repeated. I nodded and bit my lip, trying to suppress my smile.

"Oh thank Merlin, I don't know what I would've done if you had said no," He chuckled, nervously rubbing the back of his neck with one hand and shyly taking mine in the other. He got more confident when I didn't stop him, he intertwined our fingers and we slowly began walking back down the now-empty hall.

"So how was it?" Hermione asked once Draco had dropped me off at my common room. I couldn't stop the huge grin from spreading across my face.

"Not how I expected," I replied honestly. She looked up at me with a puzzled expression

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well after he apologised for acting the way he did at the end of last term he then said he knew we were up to something and to be careful because Umbridge wants to put a stop to it, and then he.." I trailed off and smiled.

"He what? Come on tell me!" Hermione pleaded.

"He asked me if I would like to go on a date with him to Hogsmeade!" I giggled excitedly. Hermione's jaw dropped and she jumped up and squealed.

"No way! You said yes right? Oh, of course, you did it's so obvious you both have feelings for each other!" She grinned and hugged me.

"I'm really happy for you!" I laughed at my best friend's enthusiasm.

"Thank you, Herms, that really means a lot" I smiled and flopped onto my bed, still not quite believing what just happened.

"I wonder how Harry and Ron will take it," Hermione laughed. I rolled onto my stomach and rolled my eyes

"They can just deal with it, they can at least be civil towards one another for my sake," Hermione laughed and nodded before climbing into her bed alongside Crookshanks who was already purring away at the foot of her bed.

"Goodnight Rory," She sang out.

"Night Herms," I replied before getting ready for bed and going to sleep myself. 

Draco Malfoy *5th Year*Where stories live. Discover now