Chapter 14

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I sat next to Hermione in potions and sighed as Snape drawled on about some potion we were going to be brewing, I, however, was feeling rather distracted and I wasn't sure why.

"Oi, what's wrong?" Hermione asked me once we were allowed to start moving. I shrugged

"I don't know, nothing I guess,"

"That's not true. There is definitely something bothering you so what is it?"

"Hermione I really have no idea," I tried to tell her.

"There's just this itching feeling in the back of my brain that I can't quite place," I explained. She watched me carefully

"Alright, I'll leave you be for now," Hermione gave in.

"Why won't you ask me instead of her? She's too busy and a Gryffindor," The whiny voice of Pansy Parkinson rang out quietly. Hermione and I stopped our conversation to eavesdrop.

"Leave it alone Parkinson," Came the reply.

"But Drakey-poo I'm right here and I pay attention to you," She replied making me snigger.

"Drakey-poo," I whispered to Hermione and she giggled quietly.

"I said leave it," Draco snapped. I raised my eyebrows and turned away from their conversation and back to Hermione.

"Well he sounds pissy," I commented,

"I wonder why," Hermione replied, giving me a pointed look.

"What?" I asked

"Well you have been ignoring and avoiding him for a few days now," She replied,

"I have not," I said a little too loudly, making some people glance over at us. I sighed

"Okay, maybe I have. But only because I don't want him to find out about DA and every time he's asked to see me I've had to help Harry with things,"

"It's Malfoy, he's only going to be patient for so long," Hermione said chopping an ingredient.

"I know I know," I replied, bringing the cauldron to a boil.

"He'll probably ambush you next time you're alone, which will most likely be in the library," Hermione said, running her finger down the page.

"I know, he always seems to find me there," I said, furrowing my eyebrows in concentration.

"That's because you're always in there," Hermione laughed at me and I rolled my eyes playfully. As I turned to reach for a small vial I locked eyes with Draco for a few seconds, I froze unsure of what to do when he suddenly gave me a small smile which I quickly returned as my cheeks flooded with the colour pink. I knew he'd seen me blush and so I hurriedly turned around to face Hermione again and she pressed a hand against my forehead

"Are you alright? You've gone pink and you feel really warm," I slapped her hand away knowing that Draco was still watching.

"Yes, I'm fine," I then coughed awkwardly and Hermione somehow understood me because she then looked over to the opposite table and a huge smirk appeared on her face.

"Awwwwww," She cooed pinching my cheeks

"Shut up," I hissed going completely red, not daring to look up in case something else happened.

"That's so cute," She laughed at my awkwardness.

"He's still looking at you," She whispered.

"I know," I whispered back pretending to focus very hard on pouring the right amount of moon powder into the cauldron. I stopped after a few seconds

Draco Malfoy *5th Year*Where stories live. Discover now