Chapter 29

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We flew to the Ministry of Magic on thestrals, for those who had never seen death they had no idea what a thestral looked like and so they felt as if they were flying on nothing and I could tell it was terrifying for them. A thunderstorm was raging as we spotted London in the clouds below us, my thestral winced as a bolt of lightning struck right beside her as she flew, I calmed her down as best I could before we landed at the wizard entrance to the Ministry. We got into the lift and took it all the way down to the Department of Mysteries which had constantly reappeared in my dreams as well as Harry's.

"Department of Mysteries," The cool voice of the elevator rang out against the smooth marble walls and we headed down the long, dark corridor.

"This is it," Harry whispered as we entered. He and I quickly walked down counting the shelves as we went and suddenly when we got to where Sirius should have been, the floor was empty.

"He should be here," Harry called back to the others who were looking around.

"Harry, Rory," Neville called, looking at an orb on a shelf.

"It's got your names on it,"

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches. And the Dark Lord shall mark him as his equal but he shall have power the Dark Lord knows not. For neither can live while the other survives," the eerie voice of Trelawny echoed in my mind as the prophecy was recited.

"Harry," Hermione said quietly as footsteps were heard coming towards us. I stood in front of my friends alongside my brother.

"Where's Sirius?" Harry asked

"You know, you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams and reality," The voice of Lucius Malfoy came from behind a mask, he waved his wand and the mask disappeared and he stood in front of us.

"You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Now, hand me the prophecy," Malfoy Senior commanded

"If you do anything to us I'll break it," Harry growled. Suddenly the bone-chilling cackle of Bellatrix Lestrange sent shivers through my body

"He knows how to play. Itty, bitty babe, Potter,"

"Bellatrix Lestrange," Neville said, the pain obvious in his voice.

"Neville Longbottom is it? How's mum and dad?" she grinned maniacally

"Better now they're about to be avenged," Neville lunged forward but I grabbed him and pushed him back as Bellatrix snapped her wand towards him.

"Now let's just everybody calm down, shall we?" Malfoy said calmly, also holding back Bellatrix.

"All we want is the prophecy," he gestured to the one in Harry's hand.

"Why did Voldemort need us to come and get this?" Harry asked

"You dare speak his name? You filthy half-blood!" Bellatrix screamed

"It's all right. He's just a curious lad, aren't you? Prophecies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are made. Which is lucky for you two, really. Haven't you always wondered what was the reason for the connection between you and the Dark Lord? Why he was unable to kill the both of you when you were just infants? Don't you want to know the secret of your scars? All the answers are there, Potter, in your hand. All you have to do is give it to me. Then I can show you everything," Lucious explained.

"We've waited fourteen years," I breathed out. Malfoy looked at me and actually looked almost sympathetic.

"I know,"

"I guess we can wait a little longer," Harry said quickly before pulling his wand out and yelling

"Stupefy!" we all yelled and pointed our wands in different directions. One of the death eaters that had been slowly surrounding us went flying backwards and we all raced down that corridor only for Malfoy to appear in front of us again with his hand stretched out for the prophecy. We ran around and away from the death eaters who tried to catch us at every turn. I was further along than the others when I suddenly heard Ginny yell

"Reducto!" A series of smashing sounds then followed and I knew all the shelves were falling and crushing whatever or whoever happened to be underneath.

"Get back to the door!" I yelled and everyone charged towards the door. We ran through and fell, it was like a giant pit with an archway standing in the centre. Hermione cast a spell that stopped us from being splattered across the ground before we all fell with a thud. I stood up and cradled my now bruised wrist as I watched a weird silvery looking curtain wave in and out from the archway. I noticed Harry and Luna watching it too,

"The voices. Can you tell what they're saying?" Harry asked

"There aren't any voices Harry, let's just get out of here," Hermione said with a worried tone.

"I hear them too," Luna said

Same here," I nodded, watching the archway carefully.

"It's just an empty archway. Please can we just get out of here," Hermione pleaded. Harry then turned around and pointed his wand up

"Get behind me," He yelled. We were suddenly all thrown to the floor, and swirling black shapes covered us as one by one we were picked off by a death eater. When the smoke cleared Harry was in the centre, holding the prophecy with Malfoy standing near him holding his wand. I was being held roughly by a male death eater, from the smell of him. All around the room I could see my friends being held against their wills by death eaters.

"Did you actually believe or were you truly naive enough to think that children stood a chance against us? I'll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy now or watch your friends die," Malfoy spat out

"Don't give it to him Harry," Neville called out quickly. Bellatrix shushed him and pressed her wand into his throat. The one holding me grabbed my bruised wrist harshly and I cried out

"Be careful with her! She's important to more than one person with dangerous connections. Hurt her and I'll see to it personally that you never see the light of day again!" Lucious hissed. I could feel the eyes of everyone on me. I watched Draco's father carefully, and he nodded at me slightly. He knew about Draco's feelings. Oh, Merlin. Suddenly a bright light shone behind Lucious and Sirius appeared, I laughed in relief

"Get away from my godson," He said before punching Malfoy right across the face. He rolled down the hill and the prophecy smashed right in front of him before he could catch it. The smoke turned a grey-green and vanished. The Aurors appeared everywhere and knocked the death eaters away from us. I ran forward to Harry and Sirius and gave them both a massive hug.

"Are you alright?" They both asked at the same time. I nodded and grimaced

"I'll be fine,"

"You're so much like your mother," Sirius smiled. We were stuck behind a large formation of rocks fighting off the death eaters, Harry cast a spell blocking a curse from hitting Sirius and me

"Nice one James!" Sirius called out. The happy moment was short-lived as soon after that I heard the fateful

"Avada Kedavra!" From Bellatrix and it hit Sirius directly in the chest. My heart shattered and I could see the devastated expression on Harry's face as we watched Sirius stumble and fall into the archway where he vanished. I crumpled to the floor, shaking. He was gone. Harry had to be held back by Lupin as he cried out.

Draco Malfoy *5th Year*Where stories live. Discover now